This comprehensive article explores the taxonomy of UAP/UFO phenomena, digging deep into historical, scientific, psychological, and governmental aspects, as well as their cultural and philosophical implications.

UAP/UFO Classification by Shape

  • One of the earliest and most enduring methods of classifying UAPs or UFOs is based on their reported shapes. While the specific descriptions of these objects vary, certain shapes have been consistently noted throughout decades of sightings. This section explores the most commonly reported shapes and the characteristics that define them.

  • Saucer or Disc-shaped: The classic flying saucer is perhaps the most iconic shape associated with UFOs. These objects are typically described as circular or elliptical, with a domed top and sometimes a flat or rounded bottom. Sightings of disc-shaped objects became especially prominent after the mid-20th century, particularly following the 1947 Roswell incident and the Kenneth Arnold sighting, which popularized the term “flying saucer.” These objects are often reported as hovering silently or moving at rapid speeds, making sudden, sharp changes in direction. Disc UFO

  • Cigar-shaped: Long, cylindrical objects resembling cigars are another common form of UAP. These objects may appear metallic or smooth and are often reported without any visible wings or propulsion mechanisms. Sightings of cigar-shaped UAPs date back to the late 19th century and have continued into the modern era. These objects are frequently reported in association with other aerial phenomena, such as glowing lights or smaller orbs. Cigar UFO

  • Triangular-shaped: Triangular UFOs have gained significant attention in the last few decades, particularly with the increase in military sightings. These objects are often described as large, silent, and triangular in shape, with lights at each corner. Triangular UAPs have been reported hovering at low altitudes or moving at high speeds with no visible means of propulsion. Some witnesses have described the objects as having a matte black surface, making them difficult to see against the night sky. Triangular UFO

  • Spherical or Orb-shaped: Small, glowing orbs or spherical objects are frequently reported in both daylight and nighttime sightings. These orbs may vary in size, from a few inches to several feet in diameter. They are often described as moving smoothly through the air, hovering, or darting quickly from place to place. Orb sightings are frequently linked with reports of strange electrical disturbances or interference with electronic devices. Orb UFO

  • Boomerang or V-shaped: Similar to triangular-shaped UAPs, boomerang or V-shaped objects are often large and silent. These objects are reported as either solid or comprised of individual lights arranged in a V-formation. They are typically seen flying at high altitudes, with witnesses noting their massive size and unusual flight patterns.

  • Other Shapes: In addition to the more common shapes, UAP sightings also include reports of a variety of other forms, such as egg-shaped, diamond-shaped, and amorphous objects. These objects often defy easy classification and may change shape or appear to distort their surroundings in some way.