I’m currently wondering what to do if my favourite recipes go offline or if my mom’s special traditional dish where i have the recipe in written form gets lost. Do you have a (preferably FOSS) app to store such recipes? I’m currently trying Cooky which is FOSS but is difficult to use for cooking: you can’t really group cooking steps well and when cooking a recipe you can only view one step at a time unless you’re editing the recipe. I like however that you can tag the dishes so it’s easier to find specific stuff like vegan or spicy dishes.

  • Kalkaline @leminal.space
    25 days ago

    I’d use a spreadsheet app so you can adjust how many servings you want to make. Adjusting your cell size is fairly trivial and you can fit paragraphs into them if you really needed to. If you really wanted to be fancy you could use a database app, but that’s probably overkill.