Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @lemondrop@aussie.zone
    2110 months ago

    Hi, pals. Thanks for the lovely welcome yesterday, I’ve missed my crew. Now I need to ask the old person question of: how the flippin flip do I use this thing? Is there an app or browser only? 😵‍💫

  • bull⚡
    1310 months ago

    Oof I’m an emotional mess this afternoon. I’m going to go and hide.

    • Bacon
      910 months ago

      he’s just getting ready for climate change

  • @Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    1210 months ago

    Little bastard is now asleep on his sheepskin with his little fluffy face resting on the edge that I curl up into a pillow. Is he spoiled?

  • Rusty Raven M
    10 months ago

    Miss Meow has just demonstrated her hunting prowess by tracking down and overpowering an apple core Mr Woof declined to eat earlier in the day. Who says pets need expensive toys?

    Edited to fix a mis-typing in Mr Woof. Calling him Mr Wood is just going to lead to strange thoughts and misunderstandings.

  • wscholermann
    10 months ago

    I actually find dating, or the experience of even trying to get a date an incredibly draining and toxic experience, and yet some people apparently enjoy it?

    It’s liberating to give up and throw in the towel. All of the stress, the pressure and the disappointment is gone.

    • I like banging my head against a brick wall until I eventually knock the wall down. Does it hurt? Yes. Does it feel awesome when the wall comes down? Also yes.

      • wscholermann
        10 months ago

        Replace when the wall comes down with if and that would be a more accurate assessment of the situation for many.

      • Kudra :maybe_verified:
        210 months ago

        @Gibsonisafluffybutt @wscholermann I used this exact terminology in a message a few days ago to a guy I’d had a couple of good dates with who communicates so sporadically that I have a very hard time believing he’s genuine. There’s a feeling of exhausted resignation, but I do seem to be willing to bang my head a few more times, just in case the wall does actually crack.

    • Catfish
      710 months ago

      One of mine doesn’t yell, he belts his bowl around. So you get this ceramic ringing on tile racket that could wake the dead.

    • PeelerSheila
      310 months ago

      That’s an awesome effort! I manage between 4,000 and 6,000 steps on a normal day and my feet are asking me to stop so I have to be content with that. Well done!

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      310 months ago

      That’s fantastic. I want to know why on Fridays you’re not getting around as much?

      • @fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        I played tennis all days except Sunday and Friday (this week). Friday I didn’t do much - went for a walk, walked around Aldi & Coles and got back home! In other words, Friday was a rest day because I’ve been doing too much physical activity recently. I should reduce!

        Also should mention that I WFH on Friday so I don’t get the steps in to and from the office.

        • CEOofmyhouse56
          210 months ago

          Oh. That makes sense. I thought it might have been because you wfh that day or maybe it was your weekend.

    • @Nath@aussie.zone
      110 months ago

      Garmin reckons an average active person does about 7,500 a day. Fewer than 10% manage an average above 10,000 per day.

      I say you’ve done an outstanding effort, here.

  • Rusty Raven M
    1010 months ago

    My morning tea just tried to kill me. Apparently shoving the whole last section into my mouth was not a good idea. The icing on top stuck the whole thing to the roof of my mouth like denture paste, leaving me with a solidly stuck hunk of bread completely out of reach of any chewing. Fortunately after much effort I managed to move it as clawing a mass of bread and icing out of my mouth in the middle of my work break room would have been a touch embarrasing.

  • PeelerSheila
    1010 months ago

    Exercises completed. I used to not be able to plank at all, but now I can manage about 30 seconds twice in the session, which is still a bit lame but it’s an improvement and I’m getting there, so I’m proud of it! This after taking Minipeelers to Bounce and then wandering around shopping for most of the day. Bought some stuff that amused the kids, like a wiggly rubbery joke banana and a noise making chicken with a red bikini on. Bought some new glassware (where does it go?) and a refillable spice organiser thing so I can get rid of all those little spice packets with pegs on I’ve got cluttering up a couple of shelves in the kitchen. Also bought Mr Peeler a new dressing gown, as his old one is pushing the boundaries of decency. I’m knackered! Still did a couple of assaults on Mt Washmore, otherwise it becomes too formidable a task. Also played a little basketball with the Elder Minipeeler. Now enjoying a nice cup of tea.

  • Heading out for the first time in a really long time and Gibson is looking at me like “where the fuck are you going, and why aren’t we playing with my stringy toy?”

  • PeelerSheila
    910 months ago

    Shut up wattlebirds! I love them but for goodness sake, does it have to be 5:30ish every morning‽

  • @oztrin@aussie.zone
    910 months ago

    Argh, the anxiety about (possibly) returning to work soon must be hitting - I’ve not long woken up from a dream when I haven’t been well enough to attend school in ages and I don’t even remember who my form coordinator is and I don’t know what I should do about my HSC exams and…
    Please note HSC, which I sat and passed quite respectably in 1984.

  • @bananafungus@aussie.zone
    910 months ago

    Unlucky in love friend is losing their mind again, and I kind of feel bad because I think it’s honestly their fault. I’ve tried to be nice about how to approach the dating scene differently or maybe having some self reflection, but it’s clearly not getting through. They talk to these people for like weeks without a physical date and then completely meltdown when it all breaks down because they thought this person was “the one” in a long line of “the one’s”. I don’t know, I just think they have some issues that they perhaps need to work out or maybe I’m clueless in terms of online dating since I don’t do it, all my dates come from friends referrals or people I’ve met at some group thing.

    • @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
      1010 months ago

      It’s really just a trap to try to get to know people properly for potential romantic relationships online before meeting IRL. Like sure, brief interactions online are nice. But you can’t know shit until IRL meeting imo

    • @LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
      710 months ago

      This reminds me of me. I am never going back to online dating again because it gives so much false hope in my experience. I think all you can do with this person is stick by them and hope that they’ll learn their lesson one day. When you have the “love brain” switched on, it’s really difficult to think logically. Therapy helps and really noticing how you feel.

      • @bananafungus@aussie.zone
        710 months ago

        I’m always as kind as I can be because I do think that the follies of online dating also play a large part in the issue, especially in terms of exaserbating things. But as a whole I’m beginning to think their personal issues with attachment and self esteem really need to be addressed in a professional setting.

      • @Seagoon_@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        There are specific probs with internet dating and internet communication.

        People are quicker to share private information on the internet, this leads to feelings of intimacy at an accelerated pace. It’s generally not real. Not seeing facial expressions means no body language feedback , less nuance and leads to less fear of negative feedback, and that leads to greater positive feelings than may be merited by the facts…

        iow, bias and difficulty in having reality check.

        These aren’t personality or emotional problems that need therapy from a psych, it’s just a function of internet communication.

        So speak very plainly on the net and meet in real life as much as possible.