“What is a deuterium-antimatter reaction regulated by a dilithium matrix — or in the case of Romulans, a quantum singularity; or quantum slipstream which utilizes benamite crystals, though whether it is a fuel source is ambiguous and the subject of much speculation…?”
If you cant provide me with a recipe link for that I’m going to make it my mission in life to find out where you live and make you pay.
Mushroom pizza is absolutely and unreservedly my favorite thing to eat anywhere ever and probably always will be and that particular one looks like about the best one I’ve ever seen.
I am also in the middle of a cutting phase, pizza is absolutely off the menu at the moment and I am physically angry that you made me look at this.
I think you might be cutting a little hard if you’re having such intense feelings about food. Hope you can find a way to fit some comfort food into your diet.
I go hard on my cuts, the logic is like if I were doing no-fap November would I casually look at a bit of porn here and there? No, that would make it suck more and make it feel longer. Id rather get the results in 8 weeks of suck than 12. Theres room for pizza once I get back to maintenance.
Please seek out Mod Pizza.
Their megadough crust and hyper custom pizzas are the best damned thing.