tl;dr: Be excellent to each other, do something constructive here?

I’m not sure anymore where the Threadiverse is headed. (The Threadiverse being this threaded part of the Fediverse, i.e. Lemmy, MBin, PieFed, …)
In my time here, I’ve met a lot of nice people and had meaningful conversations and learned lots of things. At the same time, it’s always been a mixed bag. We’ve always had quite some argumentative people here, trolls, … I’ve seen people hate on and yell at each other, and do all kinds of destructive things. My issue with that is: Negative behavior is disproportionately affecting the atmosphere. And I’d argue we have nowhere enough nice behavior to even that out.

I don’t see Lemmy grow for quite some time now. Seems it’s now leveling off at a bit less that 50k monthly active users. And I don’t see how that’d change. I’m missing some clear vision/idea of where we want to be headed. And I miss an atmosphere that makes people want to join or stay here, of all of the places on the internet. The saying is: “If you don’t go forwards you go backwards”. I’m not sure if this applies… At least we’re not shrinking anymore.

And I’m always unsure if the tone and atmosphere here changes subtly and gradually. I’ve always disagreed with a few dynamics here. But lately it feels like we’re on the decline, at least to me. I occasionally keep an eye on the votes on my comments. And seems I’m getting fewer of them. Sometimes I reply to a post and not a single person interacts. Even OP seems to have abandoned their post moments after writing it. And also for nuanced and longer replies, I regularly don’t get more than one or two upvotes. I think that used to be a bit better at some point. And I see the same thing happening with other peoples’ comments. So it’s not just me writing low-quality comments. What does work is stating simple truths. I regularly get some incoming votes with those. But my vision of this place isn’t spreading simple truths, but have proper and meaningful discussions, learn things and new perspectives or just mingle with people or talk. But judging by the votes I observe, that isn’t appreciated by the community here.

Another pet peeve of mine is the link aggregator aspect of Lemmy. I’d say at least 80% of Lemmy is about dumping some political (or tech) news articles. Lots of them don’t generate any engagement. Lots of them are really low-effort. OP just dumps something somewhere, no body text added, no info about what’s interesting about it. And people don’t even read those articles. They just read the title and react (emotionally) to that. In the end probably neither OP nor the audience read the article and it’s just littering the place. Burying and diminishing other, meaningful content. (With that said: There are also nice (news) discussions going on at the same time. And Lemmy is meant to be a link aggregator. It’s just that my perception is: it’s skewed towards low quality, low engagement and random noise.)

A few people here also don’t really like political debate. And there’s no escape from it here on Lemmy since so much revolves around that. And nowadays politics is about strong opinions, emotions and emotional reactions. And often limited to that. The dynamics of Lemmy reinforce the negative aspect of that, because the time when you’re most incentivized to reply or react is, when it triggers some strong emotion in you, for example you strongly disagree with a comment and that makes you want to counter it and write your own opinion underneath. If you agree, you don’t feel a strong emotion and you don’t reply. And the majority of users seems to also forget to upvote in that case, as I lined out earlier. And we also don’t write nuanced answers, dissect complex things and examine it from all angles. That’s just effort and it’s not as rewarding for the brain to do that as it is pointing out that someone is wrong. So it just fosters an atmosphere of being argumentative.


I think we have several ways of steering the community:

  1. Technology: Features in the software, design choices that foster good behavior.
  2. Moderation: Give toxic people the boot, or delete content that drags down the place. Following: What remains is nice people and not adverse content.
  3. The community

I’d say 1 and 2 go without saying. (Not that everything is perfect with those…) But it really boils down to 3: The community. This is a fairly participatory place. We are the ones shaping the tone and atmosphere. And it’s our place. It’s kind of our obligation to care for it if we want to see it go somewhere. Isn’t it?

So what’s your vision of this place? Do you have some idea on where you’d like it to go? Practical ideas on how to achieve it?
Do you even agree with my perception of the dynamics here, and the implications and conclusions I came up with?

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.deOP
    2 months ago

    poVoq and anon6789 pointed out similar things with the growth happening in waves. I’m not sure if it’s healthy, though. It puts additional strain on the platform, devs and mods and everyone. And there are (long) dry spells in between. I’d rather have it grow constantly and slowly. And I believe quite some other Free Software projects do. It’s a bit of a different story with social media platforms as we have some unique circumstances like the network effect…

    And I think the correct way to do it is to provide something to the people, so they want to join. Idk… be useful to them, a delight to spend time here. And offer something distinct or unique. That’d make the platform attractive all around the year. If we don’t have a superior product, we just rely on the other platforms becoming worse and that’s where our new users come from. Kind of accepting the role to be (and stay) an inferior Reddit clone. But that’s not how I see Lemmy or the Fediverse. I want to attract people who’ve never used Reddit before. Tech enthusiasts, … join because it’s a great platform to discuss their matters. Linux forums switch to Lemmy because it offers them interoperability. And sure, also Reddit users. But not just because they’re pushed out, but because they’re positively motivated to join this place.

    The software is one thing. I think we’ve come a long way and both Lemmy and the network feel pretty stable now. It’s part of the equation. But I think the thing that really makes a difference is the community and the atmosphere. That’s why people would want to join. I’ve started this discussion now, because i think after the Reddit exodus, things had to settle down for a bit. And as other people pointed out it seems we’ve reached a plateau now. I think that’s a comfortable position to take a step back and think about the way forward. I’d like to take this as an opportunity to not just wait for incoming waves shape us, but now decide where we want to go and actively steer in that direction.

      2 months ago

      I think Lemmy is attractive enough, but that only matters when people actually want to join something new. Thats currently not the case, so for better or for worse we have to wait for another wave.