TL;DR: There’s been very very problematic posts from and the admins have been basically MIA with open registration and open image uploads, I’m monitoring the situation closely and am hopeful it will be resolved soon. But it’s just far too risky right now until there’s word from their team. I am in discussion with admins and will be following their decision on this one as it’s very very concerning to stay federated with them right now. This is hopefully only temporarily until the admin team with are verified as basically being alive.

For’s team info:

for those that enjoyed the trending community bot, it has been (hopefully temporarily moved to) !

Alongside that if you want to see our list of censured and endorsed instances, is on fediseer which is a decentralized crowd security tool to track spam & problematic fedi instances and share blocklists in a fashion that alleviates the “central admin HOA” complaints some people sometimes have with traditional centralized fediblock lists.