Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
    1310 months ago

    I have returned from my 8+ km walk, it has been a beautiful day for one. So many flowers out and about. Different part of town than what I’m used to so fascinating to look at the architecture - things you can easily miss in a car.

    The funniest thing I saw was a specialty bra shop with larger sizes… Located right next to a physio. They know their target market. Stupid large boob problems.

    • @Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      810 months ago

      The only real way to get to know a city or even a neighbourhood is to strap on one’s walking shoes and walk it. It’s the best. I do not truly understand why people are glued to their phones and headphones, when they pass through a changing landscape that is worthy of close observation. The changing seasons, the changing people, you really do have to pay close attention to keep up with what’s happening in this city. Plus all the possibilities for casual conversation with gardeners and dog walkers and the like. When one has the time and opportunity, walking the streets can offer great rewards. A lovely soft velvety evening like tonight is perfect.

      • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        I agree with everything in your comment (and what a fantastic word to describe the evening - velvety indeed). I will confess I do also enjoy walking with headphones on; I’m not always up for a conversation and I do find the music and landscape heighten my experience of each other. Particularly great when one is feeling fragile or vulnerable. But then you do lose that aural experience of the neighbourhood which has a lot to offer too, when you’re ready to receive it.

        But there is so much to drink of when travelling by foot. For anyone who loves plants it’s a no brainer of course.

        The caveat is walking along awful, car-centric stroads like Bell Street or Nepean Hwy - ugh. Or some of the outer suburbs with boundary to boundary houses and nary a tree. Those can be actively stress inducing.

    • Rusty Raven M
      410 months ago

      I love seeing (and smelling!) all the beautiful flowers at this time of year. It really does lift the spirits.

  • @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone
    1210 months ago

    Welp, it’s going to be Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love for the fancy dress party. (Pretty easy clothing to pull together) Thank you all for the suggestions a few days back.!

  • wscholermann
    1110 months ago

    I’m getting old. Find myself going to bed earlier and waking up much earlier. Although I’m sure part of this is also due to the sunrise being earlier too.

  • @Getawombatupya@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Just a question to the fellow lemmings, are there any subforums where the middle aged millennials congregate and sook about how people are becoming sooks? Because these are my people. /r/straya had a bit, and I’m a bit over the hexbear c nuts, the yank shit and “fuck cars”, “anti rental” etc bullshit. It’s a one trick pony that needs the curtain pulled around it.

    I’m just sick of sooks and want to zone out with fellow legends.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      10 months ago

      It’s a mixed bag here in this DT, regular shitposting mixed with real-life shenanigans, with people of all ages.

      Not sure about other subforums here, I myself am still exploring tentatively. But you are welcome here in the meantime of course! :D

      • @Getawombatupya@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Cheers Spud. The level I operate at is Alphablokes, Sports Bizarre etc podcasts on the way to/from work and kid duties, and copious amounts of washing, cleaning and cooking as my new recreational activities of choice in the evening, been a cunt since the butler quit. At work is being questionably professional while running a blue collar workshop in a white collar industry. I love my team, kids, and wife, and they don’t hate me. Win, win.

        • @Duenan@aussie.zone
          510 months ago

          You’ll be ok. All sorts of different people here. Just be nice and respectful to everyone and you’ll be fine.

          Also just make you not feel too out of place I have listened to Sport Bizarre and love listening to Dead Set Legends and the footy rubs and Howie Games.

          Anyway welcome to the DT here.

          • @Getawombatupya@aussie.zone
            10 months ago

            Had it for near on ten years on the old thing. I dunno, all I want to do is check out on the web and instead have my serious conversations with people I can see.

            The interwebs are useful but holy fuck what’s been happening with “tuning” the sort of stuff you can see and not see is absolutely fucked for the last 15 years. Once again, if I had the time to undo google, reddit (done!) and the big 10 from my life I would, but it doesn’t pay the bills and doesn’t replace real life with the ankle biters and other volunteering.

            It is a friggen stupid timeline we are living in, however. I am the product, and the fish is off. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      10 months ago

      Feel free to let loose on here. Just refrain from calling anybody on here a cunt but everything else goes.

  • @Duenan@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    After a whirlwind of a day at work finishing up I’m finally on 3 and a half weeks of leave.

    Time to relax and actually give myself some time off to enjoy some R&R and self care.

    Maybe binge some series of things I’ve missed, catch up on some sleeping and do some house chores.

    I think next week I’m going to plan to make fish sandwiches or burgers.

    Lettuce, bread, tartar sauce and batter fish and maybe a sneaky hash brown if I can source some more.

    • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
      510 months ago

      After everything you’ve been through recently I’m glad you can take a decent chunk of time off to restore your energy levels. Good call on catching up on sleep

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        I’ll be glad to sleep in for a bit. My sleeping of late has been horrible and I hope I can fix it up.

        The nice weather for the next week is really going to help having a nice lazy morning with breaky and a coffee.

        I hadn’t made a real coffee in awhile. Maybe need to get back to it.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      410 months ago

      Sounds like a great holiday! Fantastic way to spend time off! No commitments, just doing what you want to do. Perfecto!

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        I wonder if I’ll be able to finish off any RPGs I’ve got lying around during this time.

        I finally got around to finishing off Xenoblade 3 and now going through the Future redeemed arc.

    • @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
      410 months ago

      That is a long stint of leave, nice!! R&R time for sure. Try to get out a lot and bask in our blossoming spring and sunshine 😍 it will do wonders for your health, physical and mental!

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        310 months ago

        Oh I’ll do a little bit but not too much. I did that last year and I think I copped some sunburn.

        Left my sunscreen at work too :(

        • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
          510 months ago

          The walk will seriously help on SO many fronts - if you could maybe wear long sleeves or go out as the sun’s setting? If anything it will help you catch up on your sleep. It is a good reset for my body when I’m dealing with chronic anxiety, even if the walk itself doesn’t instantly make me feel better, it does help with sleep and that improves everything.

          • @Duenan@aussie.zone
            310 months ago

            We’ll see if I can keep to that.

            Oh hey. Got a question for you.

            Do you think it’s ok to throw smoked oysters and herring/kippers into a pot of pasta sauce and how long will the ingredients be ok for if it’s refrigerated after in the pasta sauce?

            • @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
              310 months ago

              You could for sure. I’d be comfortable refrigerating it for the next day, the day after, the day after that id be slightly concerned but still eat it, probably not the fourth day. But shit I’m not a food expert I just eat canned fish

  • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Well interview done and I think I fucked it. I stumbled on a few questions and I think i didn’t give detailed enough answers for the CEO and i just felt overwhelmed. but i’m hoping my humbleness and reasons for applying for the job get me by. but probably not. I feel like shit dying. I should find out early next week.

    • @SituationCake@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Agree it’s time for some self care. Interviews are so stressful. But it’s hard to know what the result will be, you don’t know what happened with the other candidates, or if the employer had the same perception of the answers that you did of yourself. However if you don’t get the job, it’s ok! There will be others and you will be more prepared for them due to the experience from this one.

      • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        Thanks SC. You’re right. I mean I didn’t even think I would make it beyond the phone interview. I think the interview being with the CEO really threw me off or maybe I just felt that and he was impressed with some of my answers. I don’t know. I’m just going to assume the worst and let it go because usually thats when something good happens haha.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      510 months ago

      Deep breaths. It’s okay. Take it as interview practice.

      Write down the answers to the questions you fumbled (or type them), and refine them. Save them in your phone and review them, try to memorise them. Next time you are asked, you’ll have a clear, concise answer to give.

      It does feel bad, but it is okay. I promise. Get on some self-care tonight and try to be kind to yourself. You will find another job, I know it :D

      • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        Thanks spudsy. Between Interviewing and getting the second part of an assessment to see if I’m on the spectrum it’s just been a big fucking day and I got a lot of emotions going around. But self care is in progress, had a hot shower, got a cup of lemsip (because for some reason it helps calm me down) and dinner is hot mexican sausages in bread with some chips and corn and peas. I think some One piece live action and HALO is on the cards for tonight.

        • StudSpud The Starchy
          210 months ago

          Aww yeeee sounds like the perfect way to chillax! You deserve it! You nailed today! 💜💜💜

    • @Nath@aussie.zone
      110 months ago

      If the manager already liked you, the CEO was probably more interested in feeling you out. Are you human? Are you going to fit in culturally?

      It’s super hard to get a feel for a person in an interview setting. It’s just so unnatural and really stresses some people out. A good interviewer knows this and tries to factor that into their decision. I’ve had candidates who really shone in the interview but turned out to be awful workers, and I’ve had super awkward interviews turn out to be stellar employees once they had a gram of self confidence.

      I say you’re still in with a shot. Don’t give up hope, yet.

      • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
        110 months ago

        Thank you you for this. This has helped me feel a lot better this morning :) Culturally we all seemed to be on the same wavelength and I think i said the right things in terms of culture and why i want to work for them. I didn’t even think I would make it past the phone interview and I told them as when thanking them for the privilege and considering me for the role. But yeah, interviews really stress me out and I just can’t process the questions properly and my answers come out as superficial or rushed as a result. Hopefully they saw something worthwhile in me :)

  • @Pilk@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    I will be alone for Christmas this year.

    Thinking of booking in a buffet lunch and stuffing my face with all the trimmings. I think that’ll make up for it. 😋

    • PeelerSheila
      310 months ago

      Omg I’ve always wanted to do that! Closest I got was doing the catering for one of those when I was running a pub bistro sighs

  • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    Well, that was exciting. Went out for a leisurely coffee and a stroll that turned into MAJOR PANIK when I realised I had locked myself out of my friends place… no spare keys… Low phone battery… ALL my keys were attached :')

    I got very, very fucking lucky that the second place I called had someone passing through the area and they came in 5 mins and they were very reasonable about it too! That’s enough excitement for one day I think

  • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    Big day today. Second session of my autism assessment this morning and second round interview for the customer service role late this afternoon. Pray for mojo.

  • bull⚡
    910 months ago

    I just did something I’d been meaning to do for a while and spent about 15 minutes pouring all of the booze in my fridge down the sink. Thirsty work… could use a drink after that.

    • Rusty Raven M
      610 months ago

      Nice of you to organise a cocktail for the sink. Our hard working kitchen fixtures are often overlooked, but they deserve a treat occassionally too.

      • bull⚡
        610 months ago

        Nah nothing like that. Most of it was just out of date because I haven’t been drinking. Not an overly conscious decision, it just sort of happened over time. I still like a drink but I just don’t find myself choosing to drink.

  • @legios@aussie.zone
    910 months ago

    Gaming tonight (running in to this morning…) with a bunch of friends. Good to just shit-talk each other. Co-op games only since we’re not… Good 😀

    Date on Saturday night which I’m looking forward to! Forth date and the last one went super well. Divorced about 5+ years ago. A few dates since but no serious connections… Also dating when older kinda sucks.

    Work has been frustrating but hoping it gets sorted out. Just egos going rampant…

      • @legios@aussie.zone
        210 months ago

        Zombie Army 4 on XBox game pass. We’re all… Not fantastic gamers so we stick to co-op only games these days out of fear of playing against younger and better gamers!

        • @landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
          210 months ago

          Hahaha trust. I feel the same way. That I’m scared to interact with other people. I prefer single player games or I don’t mind co-op or multiplayers if it’s with people I know.

          Though most of it comes from the fear of being abused online cause my voice is feminine.

  • bull⚡
    10 months ago

    I just went and saw the new ninja turtles movie and it was pretty good, my grievances with it are minor. Gorgeous animation style.

    But beyond that I just walked into a cafe which had a special advertised outside and it’s just really nice to know that the price on the board is exactly what I’ll pay. No added tax and gratuity.

    We have this part right, Australia. If you see places trying to implement a tipping culture fight it with everything you have. Rage against it. It’s not impolite to say no tip if they try it on you here. You’re doing more harm than good to the industry and the country by indulging these parasites. By all means if someone shows exemplary service make it known but please, don’t let that US garbage fire of a system seep into this country.

    • @Nath@aussie.zone
      810 months ago

      I can’t second this enough. Even our US friends hate the system, but they can’t seem to break free of it. The owners like it, because they can pay their workers less than $5 per hour. The workers like it, because they’re holding out hope for that rare super-tupper who gives them a week’s wages in a single order. But the customers hate it.

      Having to spend brain cells all the time on whether you need to tip and how much to tip is such a hassle if you don’t come from that culture. And the tips are significant - adding $10+ to an order after a meal is not unusual. We aren’t talking a couple of dollars, here.

      • bull⚡
        410 months ago

        One thing I noticed this trip is that just about everywhere, they’ll tell you how much a 15%, 18% or 20% tip would be on the bill or on the screen if you’re paying via a console so you don’t have to do the maths yourself very often anymore.

        The thing which really stings is that their food and drink prices are starting to look like ours but it’s USD so with the AUD being worth ~64c to their dollar, meals and those tips are insane. I would not recommend Australians take a trip over there right now unless they’ve got plenty of money to spend, unless they eat and drink on the cheap by cooking for themselves or doing the cheapest fast food only rather than any sort of table service. I’ll give you our most extreme example, even though this meal was comped by the casino for us so we only paid the tip. That meal where I had Petunia the fancy steak… that was $70 for my steak + $10 or so for the mac and cheese side + $20ish (from memory) for my drink. All up our bill was $300 + $50 tip for 3 of us which was only like a 16% tip. I’ll do you the favour of converting it and tell you that it’s $543.61 AUD.

        Back down to earth, I could not go anywhere for a sit down meal which came to less than around $40 AUD for myself after tax and tip. Whether that was a basic bacon and eggs type breakfast or something for dinner. Another fun example is I took 2 short taxi rides in Vegas which cost me $70 AUD total. I think the amount on the meters were around $18 USD each but then add your tax and tips. Absolutely insane. I am lucky enough that I have plenty of disposable cash so I simply wasn’t keeping track of how much I was spending, but just being mindful of it. I don’t know and I don’t want to know how much that trip cost me, even though I could easily look and figure it out.

        • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
          310 months ago

          Yeah the few times I ate at a place with table service in the US it would add up very quickly. Plus the tipping would add to the anxiety. Food truck/street food type things seemed more affordable than Australia though.

          Only reason I would consider visiting without stacks of cash is because I have several relatives over there (who all earn very well).

      • bull⚡
        810 months ago

        Over there? Depends on how much I spent. Minimum 18%, often 20%, sometimes a little over that if it was cheap and they were great. Can’t punish them for their dumb system. Just can’t let it happen here.

        • @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone
          510 months ago

          Yeah nah it’s not gonna happen here.

          So is there like a highlight of your trip ? Something that really stands out? (besides your love affair with lemonade)

          • bull⚡
            410 months ago

            2 definite highlights outside of the lemonade. The first was when I first saw the view from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, California and the second was when I saw the view from Sunrise Point at Bryce Canyon, Utah. I have photos but honestly even the ones from professional photographers with real cameras I just looked at on google images don’t do these views justice. Loads of other highlights and incredibly impressive views (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming including Old Faithful which is incredible how they know pretty accurately when it’ll erupt. I’ve seen a lot of man-made things like that and it makes sense that they know when the ‘show’ happens but this is completely mother nature doing her thing, so incredible… Arches National Park, Utah… Sequoia National Park, California… Zion National Park, Utah… the black hills of South Dakota… etc etc) but those are probably the two which gave me pause and took my words away, and I’ve been lucky enough to go to a lot of places around the world and see a lot of incredible things. Their national parks are absolutely spectacular and the main reason I went on this trip. I wish I was fitter and had more time to explore those places better on foot.

            This was my 6th US trip but the first where I visited for the parks rather than cities & theme parks but it was easily the most impressive I’ve seen that country be. They should be proud of what they have in those parts of the country, and they absolutely are and will tell you all about it. The USA is way better than their major cities. In fact, I’d say the cities bring the place down as famous as they are.

            • @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone
              610 months ago

              That is fantastic news. I’m really glad you got to see the some of the natural beauty rather than doing the Disneyland/grotty Hollywood/touristy thing.

  • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    910 months ago

    Second assessment for Austism done and the clinician also flagged some possible ADHD stuff going on as well. Will get the verdict on the 28th. Now home, had some ham and cheese croissants and now going to relax for a couple of hours before finishing prep for my final interview at 4pm. Also have some chicken nuggs to look forward to for second lunch .

  • @melbourne_wanderer@aussie.zone
    810 months ago

    Long walk was had pre-work this morning, smiling at all the other aging early risers. Love winter, but also live watching people re-emerge with smiling faces.

    Can’t be arsed working now, though.

    • @Ntcc661@aussie.zone
      110 months ago

      Kinda wished I did that this morning. Will try and get a walk in at sunset.

      My house backs onto a busy walking path and I get to see all the early risers. Most are dog walkers or work commuters on their bikes. But this week I’ve see more walkers. It’s nice.