I would for vote Kamala. I would vote for a cactus with sunglasses if it had the Democratic nomination. You would do yourself well to consider anything that is weaking the resolve of the anti-trump sentiment straight poison to your brain. We have only one job this novemeber and that is to stop trump. The Supreme Court has given him the status of king. Quit acting like your vote is sacred and start realizing your vote is your final cry before your rights are forfeited.

    3 months ago

    Exactly, it is going to be awful if Trump wins but the social contract has been so thoroughly broken by austerity politics and democrats who campaign on how shitty republicans are (they are) and then don’t do shit when they get into power that I don’t think there is anything to save really if Biden refuses to step down and looses the election. The collapse was inevitable in the US, the Democratic Party would have kept only allowing older and more conservative politicians to effectively access the nomination until this very thing happened and the rest of the centrist Democratic Party would be too concerned with careerism to be the one to pull the fire alarm before it was too late.

    I hate to say it, but I don’t see the point in voting for Biden if he refuses to budge on fucking virtually anything, we are going down with the ship and the sooner the Democratic Party collapses in a heap the sooner we can actually build something productive here.

    A lot of people are going to suffer, but it isn’t the voters who aren’t convinced by Biden’s fault, it is the democratic parties fault for not giving us any choice but Biden type politicians and then expecting us to keep dealing with it indefinitely. Whenever progressives start to bring up concerns centrists just scream in our faces “NOW IS NOT THE TIME YOU ARE SO SELFISH” and guess what now it is wayyyyy to late for progressives to have any control or ability to save this, centrist democrats let republicans send this country off a cliff because they were too busy shaming progressives for yelling about how we were about to drive off a cliff.

    We are off the cliff, sorry to all the Biden fans and centrists that have always treated me condescendingly like my views were unrealistic or naive, but y’all never listened to us and treated us like children and now we are locked into this ride. It’s your fault, not mine.

      3 months ago

      I feel like voters have gone above and beyond to get Biden to win the first time. If he really delivered or at least instilled enough confidence for people this wouldn’t be as hard. Not being Trump becomes less effective overtime when people become numb to his actions.
      I can only hope things turn out decently or everyone supports each other if the bad ending happens. Everyone gets shouted down until some type of exposing moment happens like that Debate. Even Trump voters actually vote for what they believe in, even if it is lies.

        3 months ago

        The problem is that Biden and Democrats won handily in 2020 by promising a path forward, but here we are 4 years later with not much path forward, just more treading water. Democrats didn’t groom or build up any new candidates, they didn’t make pushes in local government or the judiciary or any significant reforms. They’ve pushed a handful of executive actions that have been blocked and compromised badly with Republicans on so much else.

        The current Democratic leadership is trying to get walked to first, but we need them to swing for the fence.

        3 months ago

        Much of that is the fault of the media having an insane and obvious bias towards Trump as well as the Biden team not shouting about what they’ve done constantly. It’s been a historically successful presidency but nobody has any fucking idea because they’re not doing anything to make sure people know about it.