What an utter piece of shit.
Any system capable of manipulating the outcomes of international conflict needs to become property of the government via eminent domain…especially if that system is used…especially if used by an entrepreneur operating without oversight.
Can we start treating billionaires as rogue nations unto themselves? Because that’s frankly how they act.
I think technically they’re more “terrorists” than “rogue nations”
Is this not treason? Like legitimately, technically.
It may be a violation of the Logan Act, which makes it illegal for private citizens to interfere with foreign relations.
The Logan Act deals with private citizens negotiating with foreign governments. Unless he fucked with Starlink at the direct request of the Russian gov’t, I don’t see how the Logan Act applies. EDIT: apparently he did it after speaking with Russian government officials. So never mind, Logan Act is absolutely implicated.
Elon is not the president, a leader, the military, nor a government. This parasite should be in a prison or a brig at the very least. This is fucking treason.
Fucking charge him with something. This is insane… If it’s not treason, it sure as hell is undermining the billions of dollars in aid were sending Ukraine. We’ve sent 76 billion dollars so far.
Stop trying to tell a private citizen and businessman what he can and can’t do with his own business
Exactly, you can’t have your cake and eat it - if we want to live in a sane and moral world we shouldn’t let private citizens own things that are important, especially not satellite infrastructure
I know it’s an anathema to most in the US but the government needs to step up and take Starlink and Space X off Musk for a fair price. He’s way too unstable to be trusted with tech that important.
Well, the USA and EU also attach conditions on delivered weapons - not to be used against targets in Russia. Also, maybe he is afraid of Russians shooting down his satellites, as they threatened to do.
It seems like privatization is working out great for us 👍
Wow, this thread. All he did was switching off his satellite network though, not somehow sabotaged the operation.
All the doctor did was switch off life support 🤷♂️ it’s not like they forced the patient’s body to shut down.
Real “Stanly was attacked by his own heart” vibes.
But it’s more like it’s doctor’s own life support system and the patient connected himself to it.
imagine being so brainwashed that you think owning the life support machine morally entitles you to decide who is kept alive with it.
Imagine being so brainwashed that you think since someone else owns a life support machine, you have the right to use it to kill people you don’t like.
Weird how the thrust of your statement doesn’t change regardless of the status of ownership
Nope. In this case the doctors machine isn’t a life support system, it’s more like an xray machine. The ownership remains the doctors the entire time. The doctor chooses to stop a patient who wants to use the machine to kill another patient.its his machine to begin with. The ONLY morally correct decision is to not allow it. Get mad at the doctor all you want, at the end of the day you’re advocating for murder.
You honestly think who owns the tool being used changes the morality of murder?
Nevermind that we’re actually talking about war between nation states, not a doctor stopping a hospital patient from, erm, repeatedly shooting someone else with X-ray radiation?
What a silly allegory you’ve come up with
Good argument, but where do you draw the line? You can save someone right now by an act of a good will, but do you do it?
Smells like a war crime to me
Throw that fuck in prison and nationalize all his shit.
Muskovite belongs in prison with the other russian war criminals.
No crazy person should be allowed to have this much power. Starlink should be nationalized, and instead of a payout Elon can go to jail for all that market manipulation he’s constantly getting away with.
“Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”
Yes my satellite that is actively being used in a war should be designed only for Netflix and chill.