Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Yesterday I walked 10 minutes around my house because my watch wanted me to. Today I half jogged and half walked because I wanted to. It’s a big deal for me because I suffer from vertigo and low blood pressure and weird shit happens to my ears.
I usually do a lot of walking and yoga to keep fit anyway but I need intensity movements if I’m gonna give up smoking. @PeelerSheila@aussie.zone you have inspired me.
You can do this. 🤗
Thank you. ☺
Hey that’s awesome! From my experience exercises really helped with giving up smoking. That vertigo and blood pressure issue is a bit of a worry… have you got a good GP you can talk to about finding more intense exercise that won’t upset the apple cart?
My low blood pressure I manage with diet (red meat, pulses etc). Vertigo has more to do with my inner ear and the fact that my eyes are different strengths (one is long sighted the other is short sighted). What I found is dancing helps a lot because I don’t have to get up and down. I just need to increase the amount I do. Thanks again for your posts because I genuinely get inspiration from you. You are a champion. ♥
I think it’s hilarious if pulses actually help with blood pressure
Haha. That is funny.
My neighbour opposite just came over and gave me some of his first harvest of broad beans. So young and fresh they don’t need to be skinned. Marvellous!
Are you talking about the neighbour or the beans with the whole skinning thing?
The beans. Though as a neighbour the giver is pretty good too.
Ugh, so good! What’s your favourite way of cooking them? (I presume even baby broad beans shouldn’t be eaten raw…) I love them in a salad or just quickly sautéed in a good olive oil with some garlic.
When they’re this young and sweet, then raw is fine! I do toss them in a vinaigrette sometimes when they’re really young. Saute in oil & garlic sounds damn yum though! Must try that. This lot though I stirred into the ramen I was preparing anyway. That had noodles, some good stock, sliced salsicci sausages (try saying that really fast!) and broccoli florets and sliced capsicum and onion. The beans went really well with it.
What noodles do you recommend for ramen? I’ve never made it.
I just use packet 2 minute noodles without the stock packet supplied. I save those for adding to stews & soups. I like wiggly noodles, they stay on the fork better imo. The noodles that come with Shin Ramyun Black and Shin Ramyun Red are extra good but there’s a lot of them in each packet. Which means enormous servings for each noodle cake. For just me, the ordinary Maggi 2 minute noodles are perfectly good and a better amount for my preferred serving size. You can get specialised ramen noodles that are not wiggly, some in interesting flours like buckwheat or barley, but I like the ordinary Maggi ones better. But that’s just me - a real ramen expert would probably be quite scornful of my choices.
That sounds like a divine noodle stir fry - and I actually didn’t know you could eat them raw that young. Must be a bit like snow peas fresh off the vine?
Re noodles - presume the stock was for creating a sauce, not boiling the noodles in. I confess my noodle adventures are still quite restrained.
I did cook the noodles in the stock - which had been made by simmering the sausages in water to parcook them before slicing. Salcissi sausages are strongly flavoured, so 1 or 2 is quite enough for one person per meal I find, but I had six of them. Which meant that I had enough nice stock available for noodle cooking and 4 cold sausages for lunch sangers this week. The rest of the ramen ingredients just went in so they’d all be cooked just at serving time. I like a generous amount of liquid in ramen, so that worked out fine too. I still have about a half cupful of stock left, and the cold bangers so might do a hash with them and some potat if I get ambitious tomorrow. Or maybe a stirfry …
! I would’ve thought Good Stock was too good for cooking noodles in. But then of course, noodle soup! This is all very delicious and economical. I learn so much from your comments. I should try this with Very Nice Vegetable and Mushroom Stock on the rare occasion I am hankering for soupy noods.
Do it! Very Nice Veg & Mushroom stock sounds absolutely yum! And very flexible for adding whatever takes your fancy on the day. Quantity of liquid is wonderfully optional with such dishes. And leftover stock can be frozen …
Just under two hours until my the first session of my assessment to see if I am on the autism spectrum. Nervous but also hopeful for some answers
Good luck! I understand how nervewracking it is. Not autism but for ADHD. I think having my school reports with me as well as mentioning my family stuff (my cousin has autism and family members most likely have ADHD even though they deny it) really helped.
Good luck! I hope you find the answers you’re looking for.
Can I just say hash browns are the best.
I couldn’t resist and ate some.
Are you reading this, Aldi!!! shakes fists furiously
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The hash browns came from Aldi.
Did you buy these recently?? I haven’t seen them in stock for a while but now I must go check it out
Yup. I bought them last week on Thursday.
Praise be to @AldiSaturdaySpecials and all associated deities. The dark days of the Potato Famine must be over.
Are hash browns back in stock?!? Seemed like they weren’t for ages
I agree. Even better in a burger or English muffin.
All forms of fried potato are magnificent. Chips, hash browns, potato cake. But the waist line consequences are not so magnificent.
struggling with emotional regulation today. The fact that I’m getting hit with a slew of bullshit (like, empirically proven bullshit, not coloured perception) is not fucking helping
ride the waves as best you can.
PANIK: The very first record my client reviewed threw up a discrepancy in my magical SQL aggregate code output compared to a manual aggregate, where I thought did everything right. Cue significant embarrassment at meeting.
KALM: I quickly realised the pattern of errors and learned something new about UNION (it removes duplicate rows - I’d included the primary ID for two tabled but not two others so if all the other attributes were the same they were excluded, d’oh).
Phew. Relieved that it was an understandable error at my level. Still rockin’ it. 😎
Fellow IT person! Yay! lol Good work :)
sweats nervously i-i’m not an IT person, I just randomly shoehorn in solutions and half learn SQL instead of python because I can’t be bothered doing manual analyses yet also am too lazy to actually program but thanks
If I repeated that sentence to any of my clients they would think I was speaking another language lol I hope you’re being renumerated well for your role :)
Hah, definitely not. I don’t think management really understands or appreciates what I’ve brought to the business at all - they can only see my failures and downplay my strengths (and in doing so create a vicious cycle where I underperform due to anxiety and poor self esteem). Definitely not a good fit any more, hence why I’m bowing out very soon once I finish my current project.
Sounds like a smart move. I’ll probably be doing the same at my current role in a month or so. It’s so hard to find a good company to work for these days.
I don’t know if I’m going to stay in this role. My 2IC is “besties” with my line manager and is a rude, arrogant prick. Even the rest of the team have noticed how he speaks to me. Everytime I bring it up with my line manager, he makes excuses for him.
On Friday he said “If I wanted to get rid of you I could. There’s people I could talk to that could get rid of you. But I don’t”.
Haven’t spoken to the line manager yet, and am honestly thinking of not bothering and just looking for another job.
Yay corporate.
Sounds like he’s scared of you. Can you record any of this on your phone and play it back to your line manager?
Great idea actually. I’ll be recording any 1 on 1’s moving forward. Shame it’s playing out this way, this place seemed great until the red flags started popping up. Even if it turns to shit I’ll stick it out till my savings account is nice and healthy then skedadle.
Had another thought which may be quite inaccurate, but is this toxic little nong running something not quite kosher with the line manager? Like fraud, or do you think he’s just powertripping? Might be worthwhile whistleblowing this to the next rung up above the line manager. Particularly if you have recordings. Doing so could blow up in your face, but the really senior management probably needs to know if these two are sabotaging their department/area of responsibility. Hiring staff is expensive, so I can’t think of any rational scenario where this sort of conduct is acceptable, or even legal. Cos it sounds like the nong is pretending to a degree of authority that he just doesn’t possess. Is HR aware of this situation?
Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it :)
What happened is that the last 2 people in my role were complete fuckups. They basically ignored their job and my 2ic had to step in and take up a lot of the responsibility as well as trying to do his job.
It really hurt the team and they got fired when everything came out. So my line manager was the one to come in and clean everything up and “save” the team. Somewhere along the line, my line manager and 2ic became besties. My 2ic is incredibly rude and arrogant. I have one team member who’s ready to quit if he isn’t treated better.
When I brought it up to my line manager, he turned it around and tried to make it my fault. “It’s bad leadership”. As if I created this monster.
I’m in a corner. If I say something to my line manager, and he goes and blabs to my 2ic it’ll just make my life worse than it already is. So the best I can do is shut up and try to deal with it.
I’m going to start putting out resumes this week and see what’s out there. Everyone else is really cool and the job itself is great. It’s a shame these dipshits are making it a shitshow.
Might be time to move on then. Once the bank balance has recovered.
Agreed. 2 more weeks…
Make like a tree and get the fuck out of there. So toxic.
Fuck that. record everything and then go to HR.
Phrases to put on my tombstone.
Fate is a cunning hussy…
I don’t know why I love this, but I do… 😂
You can thank Elizabeth Gaskell for that one. Mr Gibson (the main characters Dad and county doctor) in Wives and Daughters often has some very funny outbursts that make very modern me giggle. My favourite is when he intercepts a love letter for his daughter from one of his student doctors and he writes back a doctors script that basically says “fuck off buddy boy”.
So, I have the rest of the day to chill, before starting work tomorrow!
Ahhhhhhh! Finally, I did it! I still cannot believe it! Everything is coming up Spud! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!
You’re gonna put potato on the table!!!
Bringin home the bacon
Woo! I’ll be thinkin’ of ya 💪 Go you!
Woo hoo.
I hope you have a wonderful first day!
I’m in the LAX Qantas business lounge with the fancy people! There’s a free buffet and bar. I got some warm churros and they have serve-yourself fountain drinks with motherfuckin LEMONADE WOOO
Boarding doesn’t start for another 2 hours so imma just chill in here 😎
Your banned from lemonade for 12 months once you get off that plane
Tough but I think it’s fair… I had 3 pink lemonades with breakfast, one last free refill of Orangeade before I left Vegas which I drank while I drove, we stopped for lunch at IHOP half way to LAX where I had a lemonade and now I am sipping my second in the lounge. I also got some spring rolls!
Anyway, I am on strictly water once I’m home until I make my lemonade company because I’ll need to sample for quality control.
Edit: photo
Omg I just realised I can fill my travel cup with lemonade for the flight!! Muahahahaha
That sauce looks frightening.
More lemonade for the rest of us! Woohoo!!!
LAX is my view of purgatory, however I was once in a lounge there that had a DIY Taco and Bloody Mary bar. Amazing.
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Been a regular at the gym for the past month and am seeing progress in my legs. So. Treating myself to a pizza to undo all the good work! Woop woop
I crave green leafy things. I may have stopped at Woolies for a salad just to indulge this craving
I love those wholesome cravings! Sometimes I crave spinach, but sometimes it’s a crunchy salady thing.
Must have a wee fire under my butt… Changed the shower head yesterday, changed over the little name plates that’s few were all scratched up from my bike stack earlier the year and have been semi-spring cleaning in general.
Hmm, we’ll see how long it lasts…
same going on at our place. actually doing some genuine spring cleaning, booked someone to take some rubbish away, given a bunch of old furniture etc away. very cathartic.
Rolled in with some satisfaction and sense of achievement. Funny how much of a struggle it can be to do things and then when you finally get to them it’s always like, why didn’t I do this before?
Cheers to us!
Since my daughter has been home sick I have seen enough of The Inbetweeners that I care to. I thought Orange Is The New Black and Shameless was bad. Jfc.
I ask her to turn these off before her dad comes home. Hahaha.
I think of poor mr seagoon who has had to endure me watching and listening to lotr ad infinitum. Well, I am done with it, I have fully figured out the story and it’s place in art and culture.