Edit: Looks like you can opt-out of that “new look and feel” pretty easily under the appearance settings but still, whats with putting rounded corners everywhere?
Edit 2: “Explore the web with a softer, more friendly aesthetic featuring rounded corners […] Designed to complement your operating system, whether on Windows 11, MacOS, or Linux.” The fuck does that mean? Windows 11 fair enough but most Linux distros don’t look like that at all.
I was being hyperbolic. In the billions of people who inhabit this earth, I bet there’s like two or three who genuinely like it. But they are crazy, and their opinions are wrong.
You are still discrediting anyone who doesn’t share your opinion. First you hyperbolically alleged they don’t exist, now you downplay their numbers and dismiss them as crazy.
Are you still being hyperbolic, or is this just how you genuinely think?