• Dave@lemmy.nzM
    1 year ago

    I cannot support Act policies, no matter how much I dislike the other parties. Here are some scary Act policies:

    • They want to abolish the Human Rights Commission
    • Allow unregulated overseas investment from OECD countries
    • Sell all or part of many state owned enterprises (e.g. sell 49% of KiwiRail).
    • Sell public hospital buildings to private investors
    • Water pollution would be managed by letting companies bid for the right to pollute up to the allowed pollution levels
    • They want to repeal the zero carbon (by 2050) act
    • They will abolish the building act, replacing it with mandatory insurance. The idea is if it’s not built to a good standard then insurers won’t insure.

    And here are some others (some seem to overlap with National):

    • They want to abolish fair pay agreements
    • They want to abolish rules that protect valuable natural areas
    • They want to decrease tax for higher earners, and increase tax for lower earners
    • They would re-allow live exports of animals
    • They oppose any laws banning hate speech
    • They would abolish ministries for Pacific people, Ethnic communities, Women, Māori development, etc.
    • Reduce the rate superannuation increases each year, and stop putting money in the super fund
    • Remove the Matariki public holiday
    • Reintroduce the 90 day fire at will period
    • Remove or reduce government kiwisaver contributions for most workers
    • They want to increase the prison population (see my other comment about private prisons)
    • They want to introduce privately owned toll roads
    • They want to pay emissions trading scheme revenue back to everyone as a tax credit, instead of spending it on reducing emissions
    • They want to stop contractors from challenging their status, to allow employers to bully employees into being paid as a contractor to avoid paying leave entitlements and other protections
    • Make a literacy test a requirement to get parole (again, private prisons want people to stay longer)
    • Hold a referendum to introduce a rule that allows anyone to take the government to court if they think new laws don’t fit a set of standards
    • Abolish the climate emergency response fund
    • I’m gonna quote this one: “This party says that the current government requires councils to review speed limits and reduce them in high-risk areas like school zones. This party believes that this is slowing people down and making society less productive.”
    • Create a new state owned enterprise to manage roads, being required to return a profit via charging people for the use of roads (no current plans stated to sell off 49% but I think it’s implied)
      • Dave@lemmy.nzM
        1 year ago

        Act is the party that represents the idea that regulation messes with a system, and the best system has almost no regulation. Any tampering causes unintended consequences so we shouldn’t tamper. Which is silly, and I believe the only reason they support the idea is because they benefit from it.

        I have issues with this specific policy of TPM but I wouldn’t touch ACT with a 10 foot pole if my life was on the line.

        Yep this is pretty much my position. There are definitely issues with the details of this proposal. In general, I like the idea of steps towards abolition of prisons (learning from each step and adjusting expectations as we go). But I can’t imagine a world where I’d vote for Act. Their views are fundamentally against my lived values.