Seems like time and time again, Nintendo is always trying to sell games to an audience of people who do not wish to play video games. For a sequel, I figured Nintendo should focus on their core audience of Pikmin fans but it seems like they’re always changing things to appeal to people who don’t play games while in return alienating the people who want more sophisticated gameplay and challenges.

What are your thoughts?

    1 year ago

    Yeah it’s a common complaint of Majora’s Mask, too, even though it’s less of a time limit and more of a timeline that you repeat over and over. It’s just that extra mental barrier for people to deal with, that seems like it affects some people more.

    I hear the time limit isn’t in Pikmin 4 though?

      1 year ago

      As someone who gets random fragments of time for spare time (due to being a key participant in too many family activities to have a consistent schedule–aka, parenting) any game that requires me to optimize a non-trivial activity to fit into a specific amount of time is rarely even worth my checking out. I have between 2-5 hours per week, in increments from 25m to 90m, for gaming. Often I’m exhausted from trying to fit things into my schedule during the day. I don’t need to think about doing stuff for a schedule in my ‘fun’ time.