New release. Lots of features and fixes.
Notifications, chat, (experimental) filters. The UI is basically the same, but lots of stuff reworked so it’s more obvious what you’re doing and where you’re going.
I think this is approaching my vision for the software. It’s not done, but all the pieces are in place.
=== 0.3.0 Imperfect Future
- Subscribe to post for comment notifications.
- Very basic search feature.
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks.
- More consistently useful logging.
- Experimental filters.
- Inline images in posts.
- Cleaner UI and navigation.
- Dark mode.
- Improved URL scheme.
- Previews for picture groups.
- Normalize some links (youtube only atm).
- Improved federation.
- Include replies collection in posts.
- Background refresh.
- Group chat.
- A little more tag support.
- Nicer online help.
- Detect recent duplicate links.
- Site alerts, woop, woop.
- Initial support for featured posts.
- Notifications for most events.
The version is only changed in the release tarball.
The help files should be in the viewdir.