I’m moreso curious if laptop functions have been offloaded to phones. If you have a full gaming desktop, do you see the use case for an additional laptop? or if most people here don’t see the need for the increased processing power of a desktop, do you just use your laptop and a phone?

For myself, I mainly use my desktop, but I have a bunch of quite old laptops for tinkering.

  • blindsight@beehaw.org
    9 months ago

    I have a lot of devices, but I rarely use most of them.

    1. My desktop is my main device for all my work from home. Work desktop for work at the office.
    2. My work laptop only gets used for client visits.
    3. My personal laptop only gets used when I need a second mobile device for work and Zooming with my family (to bring to where my kiddos are set up playing).
    4. My wife’s work laptop is her main work machine and her personal laptop is our evening TV.
    5. My Android phone is my ADHD dopamine machine most of the time. Some light work use.
    6. My gaming is almost exclusively on my Steam Deck (but I’m working on getting a WiFi mesh network so I can stream from my desktop to my Deck). Used nightly in bed.
    7. My 8 y.o. daughter’s tablet is an audiobook machine, some edutainment apps, and sleep sounds machine. Occasionally a screen for shows/art video tutorials.
    8. My 6 y.o son’s tablet is mostly podcasts and sleep sounds.
    9. My DSi is my wife’s Tetris machine.

    TL;DR: I mostly use my desktop for work and Deck/phone for entertainment. My laptops see use a few times/month when I’m on the road for work or Zooming with family and basically never in between. But we have a lot of devices that have specific use cases for different members of my family.