• 𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒
    2410 months ago

    “Least buggy” lmao. So it’s still riddled with bugs then?

    I’m glad to know that in 2023 you can have Elden Ring and Starfield cost the same budget, and will ask the same store shelf price. One of these is hailed as the “Least buggy” game the studio has ever managed to squirt out after selling the same fucking game 9 times in TWELVE YEARS. Its competition is celebrated for being a market leader for “you die in 3 hits lol”. (And also lore in their games but that’s beside the point)

    I dont want starfield to fail, I want Bethesda to un-assfuck itself now that they’re not run by Howard and make a great game worth the money. Zenimax has no reason to turn this game into Skyrim in Space unless Microsoft says to.

    • Virkkunen
      810 months ago

      The author of the article bragged on twitter that he photoshopped the picture to make it seem like a bug. The unedited picture is also a screenshot from the old build of the game.

      It’s 100% misleading, the author just wants to rage-bait.

    • Jyrdano
      110 months ago

      Yeah, what’s with that NPCs eyes? Is this how they all are going to look? If so, yikes.