Please share what you want to share, ADHD-related or not.
Stuck in a pharmacy, adderal is wearing off, phone about to die. I hope i make it, wish me luck lol
Did you make it?
I pulled through, i just read and re-read my lab paperwork lol.
Lol, that’s the spirit. Sounds like something I would do.
Struggling with doctors who resist continuing care. Either give me the meds I need that a specialist said I’m so good with I can go to a gp or say you aren’t comfortable prescribing it and send it back. Instead my doc seems to prefer taking his time to refill so I get to go several days without
That’s terrible! I’m convinced there are doctors out there who don’t believe ADHD is real and think we are just drug seeking. So messed up. I hope you are able to see a better doctor one day, no one should have to put up with this.
Oh yeah I’ve had doctors say that to my face when continuing care