There have been a number of attacks on journalists in Kosovo in recent years. Now, conservative Muslims in the southern Kosovar city of Prizren are agitating against a news portal and a journalist.

      • stopthatgirl7OP
        1711 months ago

        There are conservative and liberal versions of any religion. Christianity has evangelicals but also Quakers. Judaism has Reform and ultraorthodox. But we only hear about the extreme radicals and conservatives in Islam.

          • stopthatgirl7OP
            511 months ago

            I supposed “unitarians” would have been a better choice. There are also nondenominational branches that believe in actually helping the poor and opening their doors to all.

            And for the record, I’m not Christian, so I don’t have a dog in this race.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern
        611 months ago

        Liberalism as an ideology is typically secular, so no, there isn’t “liberal Islam” anymore than there is “liberal Christianity.”

        There are, however, plenty of Muslim people that believe the role of government is protecting human rights, believe one of those rights is property, and think the best way of achieving this goal is a secular democracy.

        Turkey under the Kemalists is an example of a primarily Muslim nation at least attempting to build a liberal democracy.

        You might say it goes against fundamentalist Islam, but guess what also goes against fundamentalist Christianity and Judaism?