• @Andonno@lemmy.world
    2610 months ago

    I feel like this misrepresents the chaos gods, except maybe Tzeentch.

    Khorne: Drown your depression in HATE!

    Nurgle: That’s just how some people are, you’ll learn to live with it. (Unstated, “Because I’ll give you no choice.”)

    Slaanesh: What you need, is a distraction. We have sex, food, drugs, or art.

    • PugJesus
      1610 months ago

      Nurgle: That’s just how some people are, you’ll learn to live with it. (Unstated, “Because I’ll give you no choice.”)

      But people love their Papa Nurgle, because he cares*

      *caring includes being inflicted with the most horrific diseases imaginable, and some unimaginable

      Slaanesh: What you need, is a distraction. We have sex, food, drugs, or art.

      I mean, Slaanesh does say here “There are many pleasures waiting for you to experience.”

      I feel like Khorne is the weakest one here.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern
        510 months ago

        Interesting, I think it’s the most accurate. He’d just follow up with “unless you let it win.”