Yesterday I passed a barbershop and saw ads on their wall outside of men with beards and short hair. It is a revival or saving electricity ?

  • @DragonTypeWyvern
    12 months ago

    Beards are more work than shaving, unless you have a gross beard…

    • Bizarroland
      22 months ago

      It depends on your facial hair.

      I didn’t grow a beard until I was in my 30s and going from shaving every couple of days to running a quick trim once a week has actually saved me quite a bit of time.

      All I need is a buzzer with the little spacer attachment on it and I’m good to go in 20 seconds.

      12 months ago

      I have no idea what you’re on about.

      A wash in the shower, and A 10 minute trim every few weeks, and a bit of beard oil every now and then.

      Vs a 5-10 minute shave once or twice a day.