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Twitter post by @DirtyTesLa: Thankful to have Cybertruck to help me with the real work and big loads 🙏 (image of Cybertruck with several bags of soil in the trunk)

Reply by @KralikLj: Hell boy that would fit in a bicycle. Way more carbon free than that wankpanzer. (image of cargo bicycle with several bags of soil strapped to the front)

    13 months ago

    Yeah so… Both these things exist in North America… I mean, do you really believe we don’t have tractors when there’s a chunk of territory a third of the size of Europe that’s plains?

      3 months ago

      Of course I know tractors are a thing in the US

      But in Europe we don’t see many SUVs, simply because if you need to haul a lot of things you get a van. And if you don’t you get a normal car.

      An SUV simply isn’t efficient at anything. It is the worst of both worlds.

      The tractor is more about when you need to haul even more stuff.