Maybe billionaires should get a real job that contributes.

    23 months ago

    If every reply you post are misinterpreted according to you, then the problem is either you cannot communicate your idea well, or your point of view is the problem.

      13 months ago

      Valid possibility, equally valid but conveniently left out:

      • Echo chamber
      • Polorizing political landscape
      • “Downvotes must mean everyone agrees this bad” aka groupthink

      Life isn’t an if-then statement let me tell you that much.

          -13 months ago

          And since you’re so eager to project your negative feelings towards billionaires on me, I’ll assume you’re suffering all three of my points.

          Wasn’t this a delightfully useless conversation? Two strangers being divided over the same hatred toward mass wealth accumulation. When you hear the quote “divide and conquer”, think of this conversation.