• Finished The Better Part of Valour by Tanya Huff. Book 2 of Confederation series. It took a long time to finish this, but I am still interested in the story.
  • Read Jujitu Kaisen: Vol. 6 by George Akutmi.
  • Read Skyward by Brandon Sanderson, first book of the Skyward (Cytoverse) series. Loved the book.
  • Currently reading Starsight by Brandon Sanderson, second book of Skyward (Cytoverse) series.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening?

    • @Mr_Blott@lemmy.world
      33 months ago

      Have you got round to the Bob Hoon books yet? If you can do audiobooks I’d highly recommend those; the narrator is brilliant at Hoon and the books are absolutely fucking hysterical

      • @robolemmy@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        I’ve been doing them in Kirk’s reading order, so I read the Hoon books interleaved with the Logan ones.

        I can’t abide audio books, so I’ll miss out on the narration.

        • @Mr_Blott@lemmy.world
          23 months ago

          My favourite paraphrased lines -

          Female villain - “I’d ask you to join our organisation, Mr Hoon, but I know exactly what you’d say”

          Hoon - “I’d say shove it up yer fish-hole, you badly-aimed batch of ejaculate”

          Female villain - “Ok I admit I didn’t know exactly what you’d say…”

    • @dresden@discuss.onlineOPM
      23 months ago

      Wow, a book a day. And I just looked them up, they aren’t small either.

      What kind of books are these? Leaning towards mystery? or action? or something else?