Edit: Jesus Christ, people. If you buy a $150 Thinkpad made by slave labor instead of a $1,200 MacBook made by slave labor, you’re still supporting a capitalist economy based on slave labor. We all do. We have no choice. The number of smug liberals in the comments saying “well I buy a cheap used laptop” or “well I buy coffee beans and make my own coffee” are completely missing the fucking point.

Don’t tell yourself your consumption is moral. All of us make unethical choices every day because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Accept your shame and guilt and let it drive you to do better.

  • Queen HawlSera
    173 months ago

    Oh sorry, I forgot I had the option of pulling a “Sliders” and finding myself in Socialism world, where I can get a tax-payer funded laptop and coffee I get according to my needs, paid for by what I can give with my abilities… Completely fair to judge me for that!

    • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
      3 months ago

      I mean I agree, though there are some less capitalistic options than Apple and Starbucks if you really hate capitalism. Those companies are amongst the most capitalistic businesses available.

      That said, does it really matter what brand of guillotine you use to cut off billionaires heads with?