• @ChrisLicht@lemm.ee
      -154 months ago

      If the Dems actually believed Trump were a threat to democracy, and that fundamental liberties would be lost, they wouldn’t be running a man clearly in decline with a running mate who has zero constituency and an even lower approval rating.

      The DNC and web scolds don’t get to bitch about third-party voters, when they obviously assessed the situation and thought, “This is fine.”

      If the Dems can’t be arsed to respond seriously to Trump, the rest of us are under no obligation to fix their wagon.

      • @dynamojoe@lemmy.world
        84 months ago

        It needs to be spelled out to you, so here you go: It’s unacceptable in American politics to run against a federal incumbent without a) significant reason (age is not a reason) and b) significant backing (because the national party won’t support you).

        But thanks for parroting the right-wing bullshit about decline, which I suppose was your real reason for posting. PS I’ll bitch about third party voters all I fucking want - a centrist or left-leaning voter casting a ballot for a third party is really casting half a vote for Trump and they should be fucking shunned. Vote your heart in the primary but vote for the team in the general.

        • Sybil
          -33 months ago

          Vote your heart in the primary but vote for the team in the general

          i’m not on the democrat team

        • Sybil
          -43 months ago

          a centrist or left-leaning voter casting a ballot for a third party is really casting half a vote for Trump

          this is misinformation.

        • @ChrisLicht@lemm.ee
          -44 months ago

          The team has given us a series of neolibs since 1976.

          I’ll probably pull the lever for Biden, but I don’t begrudge anyone who goes for a third option or doesn’t vote.

          • @stanleytweedle@lemmy.world
            33 months ago

            I don’t begrudge anyone who goes for a third option or doesn’t vote.

            There is no ‘third option’ in the 2024 presidential election. I know reality makes idealists sad and all but you’re either voting for a republican or a democratic president or your vote doesn’t count.