I made a blog post discussing my biggest issues with Lemmy and why I am kind of done with it as a software.

  • @maltfield@monero.town
    4 months ago

    thanks for sharing :)

    Unrelated question: I see a bunch of “X user liked this” and “Y user boosted this” and comments from what appears to be Mastodon on the bottom of your blog post. What wordpress plugin do you use to show the activity of the post being shared on the fediverse, at the bottom?

    • gabe [he/him]OPA
      14 months ago

      I use some of the plugins from this plugin suite: https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/

      I don’t use all of them, but I mainly use the indieauth, syndication, and webmentions.

      Webmentions & syndication are how I get the “X user liked this” and stuff, it’s webmention display. I use brid.gy and connect it to my microblog fediverse account and it checks the replies to the syndicated post I make and pings it to the blog via webmentions. It’s pretty solid. If you need any help setting it up I’m here though.