It’s definitely an issue that’s not going away. The DNC really needs to figure it out and stop pretending that it doesn’t matter to voters.

    5 months ago

    Thank you. I’ve been trying to get this message across. Any vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote in favor of fascism and ushers in our first dictator which likely won’t be trump, it will be whoever takes over when he has a heart attack or something.

    Feel free to vote for whoever you want in the primary, that includes writing in your pet if you feel like it. In the big show, anyone who actually likes our freedom and democracy (with its myriad of flaws) will vote Biden, everyone else will vote for dictatorship even if it doesn’t look like it in the moment.

      -45 months ago

      If the DNC is so concerned about protecting democracy from fascism, then they need to instruct Biden to step down immediately and stop wasting time before tapping his replacement.

      Biden’s approval rating is in the gutter. No incumbent in federal office has ever come back to win with such a disastrously low approval rating, not once in the history of USA. You’re telling me Biden is the one who will buck the norm and mount a miraculous comeback? If you really think this, then it appears Blue MAGA is real after all. Get a clue, Jack.

      -85 months ago

      > Any vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote in favor of fascism

      a vote for Biden is a vote for fascism, but a vote for Cornel West or Jill Stein is a vote against fascism.

            15 months ago

            It’s not infantilizing. It’s just calling things as they appear. Children are well known for talking about things they know nothing about.

            Also… this isn’t a “liberal” thing. It’s what people commonly resort to when they talk to immature randoms on the internet. If you want to be spoken to with respect and maturity, try not acting like a child when you’re corrected.

          • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
            04 months ago

            Ozma’s opinion is that of the optimistic juvenile. They’re absolutely wrong, but it’s going to take them one or more failed election cycles to learn that. It’s OK to be optimistic, the realism will creep in later.

            • GodlessCommie
              04 months ago

              Yeah, this guy that first started voting during the Reagan years know that this approach is not wrong. What’s juvenile is doing the same thing repeatedly election after election after election expecting different results from the exact same people that fucked us over the last time because of some big boogie man that they have sold you. 50 years of the supposed lesser evil has grown so enormous they don’t even recognize what is evil any longer. Where they can witness the guy they support committing a genocide halfway around the world and they believe that the other guy is more dangerous. And claim that he is completely defenseless to prevent these deaths. If the exact same circumstances were happening with Trump in office, every single liberal in this country would be in an uproar and demand that he bring it to a stop insisting he has the power and the ability to bring it to a stop. But now claim that Biden is powerless.

                05 months ago

                You’re still not big enough to sit at the big table.

                You’re a child with a naive view and understanding of the world. You clearly have no idea what fascism actually is and you probably call your mother a nazi for telling you to take a shower or go to bed.

                There is literally no one else that could gain enough support and name recognition to beat trump and the maggats hate fueled campaign combined with their gerrymandering.

                One day you will grow up and see the world for what it really is and learn how to work with the systems we have instead of flailing around outside the system and never making a real difference. Hopefully that will happen before you retire in like 50 years.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        15 months ago

        Nothing will happen at the Democratic convention unless Trump is removed during the Republican convention a month earlier.

        Biden is the de facto head of the Democratic party. He’s not going anywhere unless he chooses to.

        -65 months ago

        This is correct. If Biden “wins the primary”, then immediately steps down, it becomes a battle for delegates at the convention. Of course the invisible hand of the DNC will actually choose, but it will at least have the surface level appearance of a democratic process.