Based on research across established dark web forums, threat actors are targeting macOS, with exploits trading for millions of dollars

    • combustible_lemon_engineer
      3911 months ago

      It may not even be that much of a real increase. The “1000%” increase chart in the article doesn’t have any y-axis label, which is suspicious. Plus percent increases from a small absolute starting point are misleading.

      Skimming article, it looks like increase is in dark web posts about MacOS zero days and CVEs rather than actual successful attacks.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern
        11 months ago

        During covid, the right wing dipshit-o-sphere tried to scare Asian people into thinking black people were out to get them.

        They’d link things like “San Francisco hate crimes against Asians up 500%!” and just counted on no one looking at the numbers, which in these cases were an increase of one per year to five (all committed by one crazy dude)

        Anyways, the reactions to that number were my first real internalization of the concept that the majority of people are just too lazy to check sources, which is something I knew but couldn’t quite believe until then.

          11 months ago

          IIRC, hate crimes against Asian Americans WAS a problem during covid, but it was driven pretty much entirely by said right wing dipshit-o-sphere because of Orange Julius’s “china virus” sentiments. If they were trying to spin that as “Look how dangerous black people are!!”, that is… actually completely unsurprising, almost to a diaappointing degree.

    • The Doctor
      3211 months ago

      More and more, companies are giving their sysadmins and coders Macbooks rather than Wintel laptops. It’s been an upward trend in last eight or nine years. I’ve always thought it was to head 'em off at the pass so they won’t install un-remotely managed and un-monitored Linux distros on company equipment. At any rate, a lot of proprietary stuff winds up on corporate Macbooks, which means targets worth going after. As for availability of exploits for OSX, folks have been hoarding them for this kind of situation. These days, you wait for an optimum target environment before you unleash your 0-days.

        11 months ago

        I’ve always thought it was to head 'em off at the pass so they won’t install un-remotely managed and un-monitored Linux distros on company equipment.

        For me it’s not working. Every day of having to use macOS drives me closer to doing this. It’s such a fucking annoying system, even after 2.5 years :-D

          111 months ago

          My first smartphone was an iPhone back in 2011. I hated that damn thing so much and I can’t even remember the specific reasons why, but I know that I did, and that was years before they went “full Apple” so I will probably never willingly touch another one of their products for the rest of my life.

          • Sirence
            511 months ago

            I remember why I hated my iPhone 3g so much. Mandatory iTunes, no multitasking, horrendous notification management, terrible skeumorph design everywhere, safari as mandatory browser which most websites were not compatible with… I could go on for a while.
            I hated my iPhone so much I sold it and thought I’d never buy another smartphone again because I assumed all of them were that shitty.
            Bought a gingerbread android a while later and it was just so much better in every regard.

            • The Doctor
              111 months ago

              I’m stuck with an iPhone for work, too. I really don’t like it. Hell, the only thing I use it for is Okta OTP, I don’t even receive text messages on it. Handy to have a thing to act as a wireless hotspot once in a while, though.