Seems quite promising! I heard it could use more maturing.

  • Mubelotix
    11 months ago

    You are right, notice the use of future when I talk about privacy. What’s great with IPFS is that it’s based on libp2p. Libp2p makes it easy to add support for any transport protocol you like. If your transport protocol is private (tor, i2p…), then the whole protocol on top of it (ipfs, my search engine) is private. I’m pretty sure it was a choice for them to refuse adding support for private transports, because they don’t want illegal activity on ipfs, thinking it’s too early. But it’s inevitable in the long run

      111 months ago

      There is no need to talk about an imaginary version of IPFS. GNUnet already exists. You can add that to the list of actually superior technologies that long predates IPFS.

      As I mentioned, IPFS is nothing but very basic tech that got overhyped to junior/uninformed developers, and crypto scam victims.