Hey all! I’m new here – been writing fairly seriously for about a decade and been wading slowly into the publishing world more recently. Would love to get to know any other writers hanging out around here – what do you write and what are you working on?

I write a lot of fantasy/speculative, though I also do some short work in the space of memoir and CNF. Currently working on a novel about a girl whose voice is death.

Anyway, introduce yourselves! I’d love to see any stories you might be up for sharing!

  • @Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    46 months ago

    I’m going to reluctantly say I’m a writer. I’ve been writing seriously since I was 19-20 in college. I’m 62 now and although I’ve published myself through smashwords, I’ve never had anything I felt like submitting to a publisher. I’ve worked a technical career, retired, raised a bunch of kids, but I’ve always written and I still think up story ideas and sometimes even get them down on paper (MS word).

    • ThatExpatGirlOP
      16 months ago

      If you write, and especially if you write seriously, you’re a writer! It’s the only part of the process we have any real control over. If it’s not too forward – where do you think the reluctance to submit comes from?

      I’d love to know more about the kind of stories you do!

      • @Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        26 months ago

        Reluctance to submit: Perfectionism and laziness, but mostly a strong resistance to the “turning it in” process that puts someone else in charge (I have control issues).

        Kinds of stories: Charles Bukowski-style urban without the depravity if that makes sense, sci-fi and horror but I hate fantasy, but for some reason everything becomes a love story.

        • ThatExpatGirlOP
          16 months ago

          Sounds quite gritty, but also fascinating – I get what you mean about handing over control of your work. Do you share it anywhere though?