Reddit improved their anti-ban evasion system, cuz it’s the sixth or more failed attempt at evading a permanent ban. Never more, I am staying here.


  • Lvxferre
    8 months ago

    Kind of funny that you mentioned fascists - my first permaban there was from telling Nazist to shoot himself like Hitler did. (10/10 experience, would get banned again.)

    On-topic: I believe that abuse of the report function to get people banned is already a reality there for years. Not just from fascists; the typical Reddit user is petty, and I do think that the so-called voting brigades also abuse the report function.

      • Lvxferre
        18 months ago

        I don’t even blame it for the ban itself, to be honest. The person in question was trash, but it’s simply easier to enforce a rule like “don’t goad suicide” than one like “don’t goad suicide, unless the person in question is a piece of shit”, and the later opens some awkward precedents. I do blame it for 1) the gaslighting in the ban message (“multiple violations” my arse, it was one violation) and 2) banning 3/4 of my accounts - and the exception being the acc that I used for mod duties (“keep working for free, sucker”).