Sept. 30 (UPI) – Elon Musk is under fire after publicly backing a far-right political party in Germany, suggesting the current government should not be re-elected over its position on the current migrant crisis in Europe.

      -319 months ago

      This is absolutely wrong. He is the big fish in this Capitalist planet. But besides, the fact that he is supporting one of Germany’s legal and legitimate political parties in their ostensible democracy is absolutely not something that anyone anywhere should be afraid of doing.

          19 months ago

          Yeah, the government will just move their satellite launch schedule to one of his competitors. I’m having a brain fart, who would that be?

              • @DragonTypeWyvern
                9 months ago

                So, historically, NASA doesn’t really make their launch vehicles, any more than the US Army makes their tanks. They buy from the lowest bidder who can meet the mission specs and then modify to purpose.

                It’s obviously a lot more complicated than that but the point is, “NASA’s” cost overruns are contractor overruns that in large part are a symptom of a deliberately sabotaged system.

                Tl;Dr the launch schedule should be controlled by NASA, with the rockets they own, purchased from the manufacturer that can meet their specs, not leased from an unreliable fascist.

                If Elon can sell the best rockets, so be it, or Northrup, or Blue Origin, or whoever, but right now they’re basically being forced into a subscription service for missions.

          -129 months ago

          The same would be true of any billionaire on earth. But since Governments exist to serve billionaires like musk, there is nothing he needs to worry about.