• Again you’re just generalizing. 40% of GOP voters support abortions in most cases. I’m also quite tired of the baseless they are racist comments. It is a progressive dog whistle.

    • Dojan
      9 months ago

      Ugh, you don’t get it, do you? Their personal beliefs don’t matter if they support a party that works against them. It just goes to show that they don’t hold as strongly to the belief that women should have control over their own bodies, as they do to whatever is making them vote republican.

      In the grand scheme of things, words aren’t worth anything, actions are. Stating your support for “abortions in most cases” is just words, voting for a party that will outlaw it is an action.

      The best way to avoid being labelled racist is to stop being racist. Here, again, actions speak louder than words. Doesn’t matter if you scream out at the top of your lungs that you love minorities and have black friends, if you then start marching with the KKK and the proud boys.

      • Again you are acting like we don’t live in a fptp voting system and just generalizing the entire base. It’s a terrible and inaccurate way to view the political spectrum. Those people mostly aren’t comically evil as most of you would believe.

    • YeetPics
      239 months ago

      So not all GOP supporters are nazis, but all nazis are GOP supporters. Stay mad, racist.