• @photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    39 months ago

    Have you read the new Thrawn trilogies? I’m a big fan. The running theme throughout those books and Rebels was that while he is a brilliant tactician and leader, he has blind spots like everyone else. In Rebels’ case, that was the Force, which Ezra used to convince space whales to get rid of Thrawn. Personally, that’s good enough for me, especially considering that in Ahsoka, he’s got that blind spot covered.

    • @Mirshe@lemmy.world
      59 months ago

      Everyone had a plan for “what if a Jedi boards your ship”. Nobody had a plan for “what if a Jedi gets his semi mythical space whale friends to jack your entire fleet like they’re the repo man and you just missed a payment”.