Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @Duenan@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    After a whirlwind of a day at work finishing up I’m finally on 3 and a half weeks of leave.

    Time to relax and actually give myself some time off to enjoy some R&R and self care.

    Maybe binge some series of things I’ve missed, catch up on some sleeping and do some house chores.

    I think next week I’m going to plan to make fish sandwiches or burgers.

    Lettuce, bread, tartar sauce and batter fish and maybe a sneaky hash brown if I can source some more.

    • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
      510 months ago

      After everything you’ve been through recently I’m glad you can take a decent chunk of time off to restore your energy levels. Good call on catching up on sleep

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        I’ll be glad to sleep in for a bit. My sleeping of late has been horrible and I hope I can fix it up.

        The nice weather for the next week is really going to help having a nice lazy morning with breaky and a coffee.

        I hadn’t made a real coffee in awhile. Maybe need to get back to it.

    • @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
      410 months ago

      That is a long stint of leave, nice!! R&R time for sure. Try to get out a lot and bask in our blossoming spring and sunshine 😍 it will do wonders for your health, physical and mental!

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        310 months ago

        Oh I’ll do a little bit but not too much. I did that last year and I think I copped some sunburn.

        Left my sunscreen at work too :(

        • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
          510 months ago

          The walk will seriously help on SO many fronts - if you could maybe wear long sleeves or go out as the sun’s setting? If anything it will help you catch up on your sleep. It is a good reset for my body when I’m dealing with chronic anxiety, even if the walk itself doesn’t instantly make me feel better, it does help with sleep and that improves everything.

          • @Duenan@aussie.zone
            310 months ago

            We’ll see if I can keep to that.

            Oh hey. Got a question for you.

            Do you think it’s ok to throw smoked oysters and herring/kippers into a pot of pasta sauce and how long will the ingredients be ok for if it’s refrigerated after in the pasta sauce?

            • @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
              310 months ago

              You could for sure. I’d be comfortable refrigerating it for the next day, the day after, the day after that id be slightly concerned but still eat it, probably not the fourth day. But shit I’m not a food expert I just eat canned fish

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      410 months ago

      Sounds like a great holiday! Fantastic way to spend time off! No commitments, just doing what you want to do. Perfecto!

      • @Duenan@aussie.zone
        410 months ago

        I wonder if I’ll be able to finish off any RPGs I’ve got lying around during this time.

        I finally got around to finishing off Xenoblade 3 and now going through the Future redeemed arc.