• Adam Kadmon
    010 months ago

    Those two words aren’t homophones: size and seize are pronounced very differently (and the second syllable of “exercise” is “er”). It wouldn’t be funny even if there was wordplay involved: communists have killed millions of my and wife’s people and set our countries back for generations to come.

    • XusonthaOP
      10 months ago

      The whole word isn’t, just the third syllable of exercise (I misspoke but you knew what I meant) and the first of seize. If you don’t find it funny that’s fine, but I’m not justifying or making any claims about communists and if you don’t like it you can just scroll past, or you can argue with one of the actual communists on the site.

      • Adam Kadmon
        110 months ago

        No, the “size” in “exercise” is not pronounced the same as “seize” - if you’re pronouncing them the same then you’re mispronouncing one or both. It’s /saɪz/ vs /siːz/, resp. And yeah, I’m going to try to move my account to a non-communist instance, seeing what can only be misguided teens and preteens praising these criminals has got real old. I set this account up 2+ years ago not realising this was a pro-Russian instance.

        • XusonthaOP
          010 months ago

          I’m not making a scientific paper off of it, the fact that /saɪz/ and /siːz/ when pronounced sound similarish was enough for the joke. The fact that you pulled out the dictionary is proof enough that you’re taking this too seriously, lighen up its just a joke.

          • Adam Kadmon
            110 months ago

            That’s just it, it wasn’t a joke but rather particularly vile propaganda pushed onto a meme thread under the pretext of it being “just a joke”.

            • XusonthaOP
              010 months ago

              How is this propaganda? My goal isn’t to make anyone do anything but laugh