• 17 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月27日


  • Industrial scale power requires massive destruction of nature. That’s the nature of trying to light and heat millions of homes, especially in the winter. The question must become what is the least harmful most effective thing to do. It isn’t as simple as “solar farms and wind farms” since you have to heat and light those homes when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. “Batteries!” Sure but the environmental devastation from having to build battery banks that large would be overwhelming, not to mention having to size your solar and wind to provide all the province’s power while the sun shines and wind blows meaning there’d be way more than you expect, and then after 30 years you’d have to do it all over again because the batteries, windmills, and solar panels would all have to be replaced.

    Water looks nice when it’s at a scale that can’t power anything too. In fact, even small enough scale fossil fuels don’t look that bad. The problem is when you make it big enough to actually provide all the energy you need. One big reason why “reduce” is the most important thing we can do.

  • One of the key bits of fermentation is that the conditions need to be pretty close to perfect for yeast to be a dominant Factor. You need to have a relatively sterile environment, you definitely need to make sure that there’s nothing else competing, and you need to make sure that you’re within certain factors of things like acidity. Stomach acid has a pH of 1-2, most brewable juices are closer to 3-4.

    Some microbes do end up surviving the journey through your stomach, and they become the microbiome inside of you. I think that brewer’s yeast would find that environment extremely challenging more than the stomach even because that microbiome is like skid row, filled with the dregs of the food you eat. The spoiled rich kid brewers yeast isn’t going to thrive in that environment.

    Consider a piece of advice from cider brewing: you are sometimes told if you don’t have yeast to just juice the fruit without washing it and natural yeast on the fruit will grow in your cider and if you’re successful it’ll taste better than beer brewer’s yeast. This shows that yeast is everywhere and it’s on many things we might routinely eat and people aren’t going around naturally drunk after eating an apple off a tree or some berries off a bush.

  • From a non-partisan standpoint, we’re cutting it really close. Most alarm lights that haven’t had masking tape put over them by the government are screaming imminent stagflationary depression, maybe one of the worst in American History, and everyone with eyes and basic math skills can see the looming sovereign debt crisis. Nobody wants to be holding this hot potato because whoever is in power at that time is almost certainly going to preside over a disaster and there’s nothing to be done about it.

    From a totally non-partisan standpoint, Kamala Harris is a terrible candidate for President. She speaks to the American Public like they’re 4 year olds, her record as Vice President is basically free real estate for the Republicans, she was the least liked vice president in US history, her only primary campaign was the weakest of all the Democrats on stage with her dropping out first, There are better people within the Democratic party to run, but they didn’t and they aren’t – instead they installed Kamala more or less by fiat. I think part of the reason for that is they’re not stupid and they know full well winning the next election is a phyrric victory, and whoever is president during that term is effectively ending their political career so might as well let the weakest candidate either lose and end her career or win and end her career. In so doing, they keep their powder dry for the next viable election cycle.

    Notwithstanding concerns that Trump will try to crown himself dictator (concerns that I think the conservative response to January 6th prove unfounded – conservatives want to conserve the constitution and violating that would not go over well), he’s only got one term left as president, and he’s getting quite old so this is probably his last kick at the can so regardless of whether the party wants to win or not, he clearly does. He seems to be going all-in on a big tent strategy this time, which is why he’s brought former democrats like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard into the fold and adopted compromise positions on wedge issues such as abortion. Personally, as long as he retains his core identity and brand, I think it’s a winning strategy, insofar as such a thing can exist.

  • So I’m significantly ahead in the light novels and let me tell you something: He just parried an elder god to death, and he’s still pretty oblivious. I haven’t read the very very latest novel yet, but I’m sure he’s not going to undergo any kind of major epiphany and become brilliant.

    It’s the core humorous concept of the series, that he’s a strange person who has no sense of common sense.