"The Meissner effect (or Meißner–Ochsenfeld effect) is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state when it is cooled below the critical temperature. This expulsion will repel a nearby magnet. " - from wikipedia. I had to look it up.
I’m not even smart enough to understand this headline
Superconductor. It’s baa-aaack!
I never did have to pay out the 100:1 odds (or whatever I was offering) to anyone from day 1 of the previous announcement…
I have no more faith in this one, so I’ll go 100 to 1 odds again, that this will not result in room temperature super conductors. Anyone want to take me up on this?
If it turns out I’m wrong I promise I’m good for it (if room temperature super conductivity is a thing I’ll happily give away all of my life’s savings, as money will quickly become meaningless), who wants to give me their money?
I’ll bet you one upvote, and I’ll pay it right now!
If you’re confident why not throw out 1M:1? I’ll take that bet with you. 100:1 sounds like you’re not that confident.
Because I hold out hope it’ll happen some day.
And within a decade of that day, if it comes from easily fabricated materials, money will mean nothing, and I don’t care to fight with the crazies who will try to be hoarding it. A few thousand, or hundreds of thousands, would probably be easy to acquire, millions feels like too much work, even if it is worthless. I’m thinking about my future (dream) spare time (also a dream), and I don’t want to commit future me to coming up with those amounts. I’m sure future me will have a few hundred for anyone if anyone ever took me up on my offer.
So my offer stands at 100:1, because I’m serious about paying out on it when it happens, when else do you get genuine offers at those odds? Give me your dollars.
A potential “room-temperature” semiconductor?
There are many room-temperature semiconductors, for example silicon.
Meissner effect is related to superconductors
Pretty much all my semiconductors operate well above room temperature! (relatively)
Not another one :p