if he gets mind probed again like that time with the holographic Romulans they’ll mistake a cosmic anomaly for his wife
Stupid alien orphan kid.
Harry Kim: I don’t get it…
Lies! Harry got demoted to Ensign Jr. Jr. Grade for getting some action!
Eh, it’s alternate universe Harry anyway. Technically he’s not even a person. Janeway could phaser him on the steps of Starfleet headquarters.
Wait, was Harry in “The Disease” an alternate universe Harry?
Oh yeah, the real Harry Kim has been dead since season 2.
Somewhere out there in space, his corpse is just floating around. Voyager never even bothered to pick it up.
Oh, Deadlock, so going to argue that it wasn’t alternate universe Harry, just original Harry (and entire Voyager/crew) being duplicated by the rift, then one set of dupes becoming slightly less alive.
So they all got Lieutenant Rikered, both being the original, just one didn’t lose his mind imagining Talking to Troi for years… well, maybe Harry does have a thing for Troi too, dunno.
Oh my…
If Georgia O’Keeffe had painted sci-fi instead of flowers.
This was painted by her cousin, Georgette O’Queefer.