It’s a fact.
Good article from forward on the existing Nazi collaborator monuments in Latvia, and their participation in the Holocaust.
I think the keyword here is “Waffen-SS” not “Latvian”. Fascists and racists come in all nationalities. The Dutch really hate nazis, but a sizeable portion of the population aided in the holocaust regardless.
Percentage-wise Latvia had more % of population in SS than any other country including Germany so i think the “Latvian” part did played at least some role.
Most of the Baltics and especially ukraine had large percentages of nazis.
Nothing has changed.
Anything interesting in it? RT is blocked in Germany.
Was there ever?
And yet Kremlin can’t stop from propping up the fascist Legionnaires in Romania “for democracy”.
LOL the western propaganda press suddenly quit reporting about that ‘Russian influence’ lie when it was proven it was the Romanian liberals who did it.
You should keep up with the lies you parrot.
So Russia is going to invade Latvia next?
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I hope this is a joke. I mean, it’s not 100% impossible, but to compare it as ‘next target after Ukraine’ is straight childish. You sure do know what would mean war with Nato 🌍🌋
My first thought too.
Looks that way, doesn’t it?
For sure, countries need to look inward and start digesting that many people ate the onion in the first half of the 40s. Not because we need justice for the deaths of local minorities commited by nationals, but because this type of behaviour causes great trauma not just for the victims, but the aggressors. They pass this trauma down and it remains alive in current generations. It usually doesn’t even manifest itself as outright racism, just lots of anger issues in general (I guess this part is anecdotal).
All that being said, fuck Russia for bringing this up now. They went in to Ukraine under the flag of denazification. But Latvia is in Nato, so I don’t really see this as a cassus beli, but more of sowing division in EU.
How is that sewing division? We also glorify nazism here in western europe
Trauma? They honor their nazis there. in the other Baltic countries.
And most of all Ukraine.
You can deny that all you want.Maybe the time for mutual understanding has passed.
If you feel nazis are your main baddie, it might be better to understand what makes them tick. If not for empathy, then for hitting where it hurts.
Why do you say I am denying the presence of nazis? They are usually a niche demographic, but present in any country. I am not saying let the bastards speak hate with impunity.
"They went in to Ukraine under the flag of denazification. "
You said that as if it wasn’t true and stopping the ethnic cleansing of the large Russian speaking population wasn’t valid enough reason in itself.
The other reason was demilitarisation.
Also a valid reason since NATO expansion right next to them, undoubtably with nukes, is an existential threat.
Russia gave them plenty of chances to prevent war but they didn’t listen.
Never intended to honor the Minsk accords, as Merkel admitted, and only used it to buid up their army.
It was the west that started this with their regime change coup and wanted this to happen.
A proxy to be used and then thrown away.
It is their usual MO.Everything you say could be true. Just like the Ukranian propaganda. More probably there are kernels of truth, blown up on both sides.
Just from my personal view, I feel a Russian army moving towards Europe gives me more angst than some very problematic Ukranian language laws. I remember the laws being in the news in Hungary waaaay back in the day, maybe even before Maidan, but I wasn’t really paying attention to happenings at the time.
While it’s true both sides would use propaganda it looks like you’re turning around the facts.
It’s NATO that despite their promise has moved further east since the german reunification and are now right on the Russian border.
It’s Russia that should and do feel threathened.
The angst you feel is a result of more red scare/the Russians are coming propaganda.
If anything you should be scared of ‘our’ side risking war.
It’s about more than “very problematic Ukranian language laws”, they literally sent nazis to ethnic cleanse them and they burnt protesters alive in Odessa for protesting. and no that wasn’t before the Maidan coup.
Here are some western reports from before the 2022 war when they didn’t get too much attention in the press and before they started to claim Russia attacked ‘unprovoked’ and there certainly weren’t any fascists in Ukraine.
Anyone who paid attention from 2014 or before would know what happened.
It’s very clear and despite being from the west with all its biased news I still know there is one clear guilty side.
The nukes have been an existential that since the 50s…
Has Russia even attempted to make a public case for Ukrainians perpetrating genocide at the UN?
LOL are you really claiming it wouldn’t matter where you place nukes?
So the US was just being silly then when Russia wanted to put them in Cuba as retaliation for them putting them in Turkey?
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never happened.
That’s american ‘education’ for you, why am I not surprised?
Or is it your 420 influence?Removed by mod
“trust me bro”
The pinnacle of american intelligence and reasoning
Why don’t you go play some hand egg or stickball.
You have nothing of value to contribute.Literally every history other than revisionist and in fact Russia doesn’t deny it, why the fuck would you? Oh yeah, I bet I know.
Quit embarrassing yourself, go away
Outing apologists isn’t embarrassing, it’s enjoyable.
banning you now loser troll
You get that Russia offered to fight against the Nazis with Britain and France but Britain and France refused right?
I mean it doesn’t change the fact that Soviet Union did make a deal with the Nazis and split Europe between them. Nobody is doubting that there was a reason for doing it.
Stalin offered the western powers a million men to field against nazi germany, and they refused.
It totally does change it. Making a non-aggression pact with the biggest military in the world just sounds like a rational move.
I think you misunderstood. It doesn’t change the fact that such a pact happened and that they did divide Europe between them in it. It’s opinion on how justified such a thing where those arguments matter.
Giving facts without appropriate context IS manipulation.
Stalin certainly wasn’t stupid enough to genuinely ally with the nazis and did took pragmatic decision after he was turned away by the ally, who hated communism as much as hitler.
You get that Russia flight with Germany until they got betrayed right? Right?
never happened.
That was the preceding discussion. Someone seemed to be denying it happening at all. Someone came in with a justification for the action, I was just saying that it doesn’t change the fact of it happening, just the justification over it. For further clarification, I’m against the denialism. I’m not saying it wasn’t a pragmatic decision, even if morally dubious.
Not seemingly, they’re saying it directly.
If that’s a ‘fact’ it should be easy to prove right?
Or is it more likely you pulled it from your ass?Not sure if you’re joking but–Ribbentrop_Pact
Yawn, this again.
As I thought, pulled from your ass and the same cheap tricks they try to claim with this pact.
A non-aggression treaty is not “split Europe between them”Wait I’ll return the favor:
Here is the deal between the nazis and their friends from England to split Europe between them. might read the whole first sentence of the article
was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, with a secret protocol establishing Soviet and German spheres of influence across Eastern Europe.
LOL Maybe you should learn that Wikipedia is not a source and proven to be extremely biased and manipulated.
You don’t even know that.
And even that Wiki page doesn’t cite sources, something you need if you don’t want to be seen as just making shit up, which you clearly are.
You claim it’s in that pact, then go to the absolute source and show me where it is.
Yeah so they chose to sleep with the enemy, two faced imperialists, you’re not making the point you think you are.
Genuinely, this is supposed to be a socialist/communist instance but y’all can’t stop dick riding stalinists like they’re goddamn perfect. Even if you support them you sure as shit shouldn’t be blind about everything because of it.
France and Britain slept with the enemy. Russia saw the writing on the wall and tried to prevent it.
Russia was the main party fighting ww2. France instantly capitulated to the Nazis.
I get that you are a liberal but accurately retelling ww2 is not riding Stalin. Stalin made plenty stupid moves but mostly after the war. The only reason the West fought the Nazis is because they finally came for them.
France instantly capitulated to the Nazis.
I mean they were quite beat up.
France fought back a little and then hit ff15
Hiter hated communists. The reason France Belgium and the Netherlands capitulated was because the majority of their population was not the Nazi target. The USSR however was.
I know. My grand-grandpa wanted to enlist in the volonteers to go work in germany to support the war effort against the big bad reds.
Good thing his wife told him he was never seeing her again if he did that.
It’s not a branch of my family i’m very proud of lmao. Bunch of child beating assholes
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At least when you are wrong try to not load your comments with insults. I guess you are trying to find a reason to get banned while libposting so you can make a whine post about it on lib communities and pretend you got banned for libposting instead being a toxic turd.
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Must be sad when all you can do is ragepost because you have no arguments.
I’m not a liberal dipshit.
I don’t think they said or even implied that you are a dipshit.
Also, saying they had more dead bcs of their “terrible industry” is a weird way to shame a very underdeveloped nation (and if Russia capitulated Germany would have solidified the power over Europe). And akin to implying other countries could have contribute only slightly more bodies & with their “better industries” end WWII sooner.
I’m not a liberal or a dipshit, brush up on your reading comprehension though that might honestly explain some of what goes on here.
Neat edit I can do that too.
I didn’t diminish their part in the war, I’m just not willing to overinflate it. Similarly I didn’t say they contributed less because they just threw bodies at a wall, you’re the only one implying that and it’s an absurd thing to do and I’ll remind you Russia did capitulate dumb dumb, they just changed their mind when it was clear they weren’t going to get what they wanted or if the deal.
I agree that it’s always the “dipshits” and the “dumb dumbs” that make it weird.
Weird-weird, not sexy weird.
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Oh, I’m sure the command knew what was going on, the subtext indicates it was encouraged. This is the prime reason that the young folk that have never been to war, seem to be quick to implement it. It should always be the very last resort because things like this happen, when the enemy is demonized to such an extent.
“Even” US army forces were ordered to commit atrocities (for the usefulness of terror ot for the quick fix/shortcut of it), but some units did them in their own (that command may or may not have found out later about). It’s just that war is chaos, & fog of war very real and a tool. The logistics of war are insane & at every level there are just individual people prone to people things.
Propaganda paints a picture for you and the tool to flight it is knowledge.
Never on the same scale as the Waffen-SS.
Yes - to clarify, I wasn’t disagreeing with anything I replied to.
I broadly assume “command” knows about shit happening, it’s too many purely logistic things to just slip by (especially when whole units are involved). However I also assume that command (and historically later commands) decides if they know/knew about it (unless there is direct evidence they knew about it or ordered it).