Details are still scant, but…

“I mean, he had a lot of ammunition in that house, and certainly … all of us were strapped, you know, with ammunition, and we were calling for additional ammunition,” Kraus said. “Like I said, we tried to give him every opportunity to come out.”

    …I’ll go way out on a limb and suggest that this could’ve been handled better.

    7411 months ago

    I get that he fired first ( the eviction situation is a whole other bag of nuts) but couldn’t 5 police officers with some tear gas have fixed this in 30 minutes with a lot less gunfire?

    The guy was losing his home and he was scared. We don’t know what his mental state was and we don’t know how he came in to possession of so much fire power so I’m not going to assume he bought guns instead of paying his rent- I’m just going to assume that 75 officers and 6.5 hours of gunfire was obviously not the best way out of this situation.

    • PP_GIRL_
      5911 months ago

      Are you kidding me, cops love this kind of stuff. They might act like they were scared or that it was a serious situation, but they were having so much fun. Cops wake up every day and hope something like this happens.

      So yeah, it definitely could have been handled better.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      1210 months ago

      couldn’t 5 police officers with some tear gas have fixed this in 30 minutes with a lot less gunfire?

      I’ve got a theory that we’ll never see investigated, and that’s that dude is responsible for probably about the first ten shots and the rest of this “standoff” was police shooting in response to hearing their own gunfire.

      1211 months ago

      Only if they were trained worth a damn and didn’t have the biggest chip on their shoulders imaginable outside of an evangelical church.

    • Franzia
      310 months ago

      Yes, they are getting cop vacation because this was the worst possible wsh to deal with the situation.

      110 months ago

      Saying the guy was “losing his home and scared” is giving him far too much credit. He’s a sovereign citizen wackjob with an extensive criminal record, he’s not a poor downtrodden guy who snapped when he got kicked out.

        1010 months ago

        Being poor and downtrodden is likely what lead him to be in that state in the first place. Someone can be a “whackjob” and still get the benefit of the doubt- especially when it comes to police brutality. We all know they’ll look for any excuse to kill. That’s why they’re police.