• @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    -62 months ago

    I’m pretty sure they would.

    Biden fucking sucks. Only genocidal racists and corporate facists still support him.

    Trumps beyond a fucking criminal, and in a hypothetical head to head, probably worse.

    Bernie is the only other American politician of the previous decade who has been competitive at a national level, and enjoys widespread popularity. Democratic apologists will have you forget the rat-fucking, but not everyone is blind.

    Bernie could actually win.

    • @Entropywins@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      Just so you know I don’t consider myself a genocidal racist or corporate fascist but I will be proudly throwing 100% of my support behind Biden and will encourage all around me to do the same. You should vote Biden by the way…

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        -162 months ago

        Reminds me of the “I’m not racist but…” trope.

        Its like what they say about Trump. Not fascist by #1 with fascists.

        Have you heard that german phrase? “If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.”

        Biden has had so many opportunities to do better and he’s refused to do so at every turn. If you vote for this guy, you support the genocide of Palestinian people, and the conversion of Israel into a fascist pariah state. Biden is in complete support of Bibi, and everything happening in Gaza right now. He’s worse than Trump when it comes to cracking protestors heads (happening, right now). Claiming the right to protest when you are supporting and announcing that order must prevail? He’s dismissing the students right to protest and affirming the Universities and polices right to criminalize the protest. And its killing his extremely limited chances at success. You just can’t see it because he’s a Democrat and you can’t see past the color blue.

        We’re better off supporting Cornell West at this point, and he’s ran his campaign like an idiot. Biden has no chance because it just isn’t in him to hold Israel accountable.

    • @Xanis@lemmy.world
      32 months ago

      What most people are trying to say:

      Despite the flaws that Biden has shown, including his inaction regarding Gaza, or action depending on perspective and topic, he has gotten quite a bit done. However, he is bipartisan in a time where we do need a hard and stalwart, more progressive candidate and leader. We have been pulled so far to the Right as a country that fairness so often seems like some distant memory. What we need is a sharp twist of the wheel and, honestly, I think all of us together can accomplish that with four more years under Biden. A way to stop Trump and buy time for us to carry the momentum that all this growing anger and frustration is giving us.

      Let’s use the system as it is, get our people in, improve it, and knock out all these corrupt old bloods.

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        -92 months ago

        Let’s use the system as it is, get our people in, improve it, and knock out all these corrupt old bloods.

        This fantasy is a talking point Democrats have been laying out since 2008. It hasn’t worked. Capitulation to the lessor of two evils only emboldens evil.

        Supporting Biden at this point is basically handing the election to Trump. He’s blown it. He can’t win without the youth vote and no amount of siccing the police on the college kids or wagging your finger is going to fix Biden’s fundamental flaws. Biden can not win without 100% of the 18-24 year olds and 100% of the progressives.

        We’re actually better off rallying behind literally anyone else.

        • theprogressivist
          2 months ago

          Supporting Biden at this point is basically handing the election to Trump.

          Holy contradiction, Batman! If you support Biden, it actually lessens the chances of Trump being elected. Also, your solution at this point is to be as apathetic as possible and discourage everyone from voting in turn handing the election to Trump? Real genius like thinking there, champ.