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“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    574 months ago

    Trump will for sure encourage a true genocode of palestine. remember the kurds he abandoned to Syria/Putin? remember the muslim ban?

      164 months ago

      I hear you, but fucking over the Kurds after they stuck their neck out to ally with us has been an American pastime for decades.

      104 months ago

      This is the insane part to me. Everyone is just jumping on the opportunity to cheapen the word genocide, so when Trump gets a roll, I guess we will have to come up with a whole new word. Super genocide? Genocide, but not like that other one? Genocide with seven pieces of flair?

      4 months ago

      Dude, Bush abandoned the Kurds; Clinton ignored them; Bush Junior used and abandoned them again; Obama did it a third time; Then Trump did it.

      Hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if the US abandoned them again. They aren’t. They told us in 2003 that our leaders would abandon them but they were thankful for the temporary help.

      4 months ago

      Wtf you saying? A lot more happened in syria under trump than before him. Barack was wasting time allowing isis to grow. And once isis was defeated america pulled out. Probably one of the few good news that came out of syria. What did biden do? he put sanctions that were supposed to hurt assad, but instead hurt the people who can barely afford to eat.