Biden’s approval rating was now 37% in favor and 60% disapproved, Kornacki noted.

It’s “the lowest approval rating since former President George W. Bush’s second term,” said Welker.

On voters’ confidence in handling the U.S. economy, Kornecki pointed to Trump’s 55% rating and Biden’s 33%.

Edit: here’s the MSNBC clip with Kornacki

    • Xhieron
      145 months ago

      With whom? Harris and Newsom both poll losing to Trump. Harris is less popular than Biden, and Newsom isn’t an incumbent. Biden is the candidate in 24 for the same reason he was in 20. He’s the best candidate to beat Trump.

      The people “ringing the alarm” are out of touch socialists and anarchists, and more frequently, Republicans, foreign operatives, and grievancers who aren’t voting anyway.

      I would have loved to see a Sanders presidency in my lifetime. Well, it didn’t happen. Fortunately, Joe Biden has proven a remarkably effective president under phenomenally difficult circumstances, and his bad numbers are less a product of his administration and more the result of record voter unhappiness and the stranglehold of Trump on US politics. That’s not a problem that’s solved by pushing a new candidate on stage, because any other Democrat is going to have the same baggage or worse, assuming they’re not outright unelectable.

      • Flying Squid
        155 months ago

        Hey, some of us out-of-touch socialists are voting for Biden anyway.

        • Xhieron
          95 months ago

          I’m an out of touch socialist myself, and I’ll be voting for Joe Biden with my head held high. Point is there’s a lot of sacrifice-the-good-for-the-perfect “left-wing” protesting on here that will suppress voter turnout by attempting to dampen enthusiasm for President Biden. Taking it at face value, it’s coming from people who are unhappy he’s not a European socialist; being a little more cynical, I find it hard to believe anyone who suggests we drop the incumbent mid-primary season doesn’t have an ulterior motive.

      • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
        -205 months ago

        Unfortunately, it looks like it’s too late now and we might get another Trump presidency. Great job Dems! Infuriating! Before you say “are you voting for Biden?” I’m in California and will not. My vote doesn’t matter here. I’ll still be voting for all the other local elections though.

          5 months ago

          You’re not voting?

          Lol. Lmao, even.

          You’re handing Trump a victory and oushing anti-Biden shit to get him elected and make dems elated. Good job doing that geriatric fuck’s dirty work.

            5 months ago

            I’m in California

            You missed the critical bit. Voting for the least worst option when your vote cannot make a difference is worse than pointless.

            And Biden will only win if enough people realise the alternative is possible. Thank the OP for their service and quit annoying people who might just hold their noses and vote where it counts.

          • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
            -45 months ago

            Read it again. I’m voting for all the local and statewide elections. I refuse to vote for Biden based on he hasn’t earned my vote and doesn’t align with my beliefs, I don’t support his genocide in Gaza. That’s democracy. You are free to vote for whoever you want or don’t vote.

              25 months ago

              That’s democracy. You are free to vote for whoever you want or don’t vote.

              Absolutely correct. And we’re going to point out that your position is to support MORE genocide in Gaza via Trump. The person you are helping elect. You can support Trump electorally without voting for him. You are making a conscious effort to support Trump and all the awful horrible shit he brings along. That should be pointed out every single time this gets brought up.

              If the goal is to help Gaza, wouldn’t the best course of action be to support the candidate that results in less harm? Or does less dead civilians not align with your beliefs? Is there a single shred of evidence that a Trump administration would result in any improvement whatsoever? Because there sure is a fuckload of evidence that it wouldn’t.

              25 months ago

              Neither do I, but I’m still not blind enough to throw my vote away and pout when a dicactor is incubating within our borders.

    • The Snark Urge
      105 months ago

      I don’t think most anybody is ecstatic with either. The fly in the ointment is that these two parties are not beholden to the electorate at all - they run exactly who they please, and their ‘primaries’ are ultimately an at-will dog and pony show.

    • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      95 months ago

      Biden will not be replaced, the only thing that can prevent the sitting President from running again is the President themselves having 2nd thoughts. See Johnson, 1968.

      As long as Biden wants to run, he’s the nominee.

      That might change if he or Trump has a medical event that removes them, or if a conviction throws Trump in prison.

      We won’t really know until the Republican convention in July. If nothing blocks Trump from the nomination, Biden is running.

        45 months ago

        Can you imagine if Trump got put in jail and then Biden dropped dead of a heart attack. It would be an absolute clusterfuck of an election, and yet possibly better than what we’re facing right now. Only downside is the potential for a Republican to possibly win in that case, but on the upside it would be hard for the Democrats to come up with a worse candidate than Biden.

        • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
          45 months ago

          There was a really good novel exploring scenarios like that. It was called “The People’s Choice” by Jeff Greenfield of all people.


          Gag was this… Election goes off without a hitch, candidate gets 270+ EC votes, but dies BEFORE the EC count is certified.

          So… it just goes to the VP, right? Nope. The VP candidate is not actually VP yet and can’t step in.

          Great read if you’re in to politics and stuff.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        15 months ago

        Gavin Newsome is the obvious choice. But we’ll have the same problem in '28. The DNC will want Harris in another “her turn” election and that would be a disaster. Nobody likes her, not even the people working with her.

        • Xhieron
          5 months ago

          Except Newsom loses to Trump by a bigger margin than Biden (although he seems to fare better than Harris, at least as of the most recent information I can find at a glance). I absolutely agree that if Biden wins another term and survives until the end of it, the DNC may well have a problem with Harris–and they absolutely need to start now if they’re going to do anything about that–but I’ve yet to see anyone propose a candidate who consistently outperforms Biden in a hypothetical matchup against Trump. Hanging the party’s national hopes on Newsom in 4 years if Harris doesn’t fix her image problem between now and then isn’t the worst idea (assuming the Republic makes it that long), but the notion that the party should drop the sitting president in favor of an up-and-comer who performs worse than him after delegates are already being awarded strikes me as unrealistic, to be generous. To be less generous, I think in a great many cases on Lemmy, it’s just outright disingenuous.

          • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
            35 months ago

            Newsom has a strong record in California to run on, the only reason he’s low in the polls is he’s not running and nobody knows who he is. Shit, I KNOW who he is and I still mis-spelled his name in my last reply.

            I’d legit prefer someone more to the left of Biden, Sanders, Warren.

            People still want to back someone far too old? Jerry Brown is still kicking around. His takedown of Whitman was the stuff of legends: