Moscow is building up its weapons stockpiles much faster than Nato allies had anticipated, creating a sense of urgency, the general said

Norway must ramp up defence spending in the face of a potential war with Russia within three years, the country’s armed forces chief has warned.

General Eirik Kristoffersen said in an interview with Dagbladet, a Norwegian newspaper, that time was running out to build up the nation’s defences in the face of an increasingly unpredictable Russia.

“The current window of opportunity will remain open for a year or two, perhaps three, which is when we will have to invest even more in our defence,” Gen Kristoffersen said in the interview, published on Sunday.

“We do not know what will become of Russia in three years. We need to prepare a strong national defence to be able to meet an uncertain and unpredictable world,” he added.

The Norwegian general said Moscow was building up its weapons stockpiles much faster than Nato allies had anticipated, adding to the sense of urgency.

    -15 months ago

    Why would Russia do that? What material, factual reasons do you have for them to do it?

        -55 months ago

        Wtf does that have to do with anything? You think Putin and the current Russian government, who are staunch anti-communist and have repeatedly disavowed the USSR are…? Like what is the MATERIAL analysis here? You are just talking about your vibes and ideology!

        • @DragonTypeWyvern
          5 months ago

          Duuur what does Putin wanting to conquer former Russian Empire and Soviet holdings have to do with him wanting to conquer former Russian Empire and Soviet holdings duuuurrrr I’m surely making an honest argument!

          If I say the Marxist buzzwords despite ignoring all their actual meanings people will agree with me!

            -95 months ago

            Got it, so you have nothing. But that is obvious, or you wouldn’t think absurd things like this war was a war of conquest or anything like that.

            • @DragonTypeWyvern
              5 months ago

              I don’t believe you’re actually too dumb to understand the very idea of exploiting captured territory for manpower, industry, and wealth. You know, the very goal of imperialism, which Marx has quite a lot to say about.