And yes, I see the cruel irony of putting Stamets over Spacey.

    98 months ago

    You always had to watch Star Trek: Discovery! I’m in it!

    Oh thanks <3 That being said I’ve been pretty open about being gay here before. I mean look at the constant amount of thirst I throw Captain Pikes way. Holy shit. Same with being Canadian and a few other tidbits like being stabbed lol

    Love you too buddy <3

    • IninewCrow
      48 months ago

      I just watched my first episode last night and I feel like a teenager again when I first saw TNG … I was waiting to see it all later but after all this, and Risa and the memes and you and the memes … I feel excited again. Love you too!

        48 months ago

        It only gets better. First season is a little rough but second season hits the ground running and doesn’t really stop. It’s a very different show than most other trek iterations but that doesn’t make it any less Trek.

          38 months ago

          The last 2 seasons is where it really got good for me. The complex stuff they had to do to interact with aliens so staggeringly different from humans… know discovery gets a lot of hate, but first time I watched it, it was what I always wished star trek would be. More believable, realistic, hazy grey areas, way better special effects, cinematography.

          All star trek is good, tho.

            38 months ago

            Exactly how I feel, although I really enjoyed Season 2 as well. Season 3 definitely jumped up further in quality though. What bothers me is when people say it “isn’t real Trek” or “it doesn’t get what Trek is about”. Trek is about showing different angles of everything. To find and explore new things. That includes storylines and perspectives. TOS is campy and light in tone. TNG is philosophical and friendly in tone. DS9 is friendly but tense and then later outright depressing with the war. Voyager is pretty similar to TNG honestly. Enterprise is… well it’s Enterprise and it’s own distinct thing. Just like Discovery is. You can not like Discovery, that’s totally fine. It saddens me a little but not everything will be for everyone. But saying it “isn’t real Trek” or “doesn’t understand Trek” ironically just demonstrates that the person saying it doesn’t understand what Trek is about.