• @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
    110 months ago

    I just don’t buy that making fun of people going on about how they are number one is bigotry. I think calling it that is what cheapens actual bigotry. How much of what you just said was sincere and how much is just fucking around?

    • @slackassassin@sh.itjust.works
      110 months ago

      Godamn, you actually believe that shit and think it’s OK. Remarkable.

      Bigotry: obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

      You are a bigot. You seem to be ok with that, and that’s fine. People being bigger bigots than you dosen’t justify it.

      • @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
        110 months ago

        Which if you take the unreasonable stance that making fun of Americans for bragging for decades is bigotry makes sense. But I still can’t tell what you actually believe. I assume that you were not being serious when you used a circular definition for labeling me a braggart but that’s a risky assumption. I’m guessing that you are being disingenuous and trying what you think is a clever rhetorical method of being insulting to me for being an American so that you can bait me into saying that you yourself are being a bigot. It really is hard to distinguish your fucking about from what you really believe.

        • @slackassassin@sh.itjust.works
          110 months ago

          You actually think those things about Americans because you are a bigot. You believe those things so wholeheartedly that you don’t even see that they’re not true, even for yourself.

            • @slackassassin@sh.itjust.works
              110 months ago

              The things you downplay as just “making fun of.” The dumb shit you believe about people.

              Let me put it this way.

              I work within a large international collaboration. If I “made fun of” these types of stereotypes about my colleagues, then I would be looked down upon for that ignorance, rightfully so. And our work would suffer for it. And if they believed similar things about me, I would lose respect for them too, for being bigots.

              If I tried to brush off my actions by saying, “Come on, it’s no big deal. I’m just making fun, it’s not on the same level as others, etc.” I’d probably end up in HR. Again, rightfully so

              Make sense?

              • @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
                110 months ago

                So we come back to the point that American exceptionalism was a huge part of America’s messaging and something that the majority of them believed and didn’t question at the time. Hell large portions of Americans believe that still. That’s real. It was baseless bragging and self promoting most of the time. Or are you referring to something else? Responding to that arrogance with the same measure of disrespect or scoffing openly at the claims isn’t bigotry. Make sense?

                • @slackassassin@sh.itjust.works
                  110 months ago

                  What the fuck are you talking about. You ascribing those views to an entire group is the problem. And it is bigotry no matter how self-righteous it makes you feel.

                  • @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
                    110 months ago

                    So I’m not ascribing it to the entire group, that’s an unfounded leap on your part. Majority doesn’t mean entirety. Give “history of American exceptionalism” a Google. This isn’t some fringe idea. So again not bigotry. It’s a real wide spread thing.