• Maeve
        010 months ago

        “Oh my god, that person questioned my narrative about “x” they must be whomever I’m othering because I’m insecure and it’s easier to take trash than deeply reflect why. I’m going to label them that, that’ll teach them.” Please. 🥱

          • Maeve
            010 months ago

            I knew that would be twisted but left it. I’ll be more precise: authoritarianism is authoritarianism, but I don’t know enough about their other perspectives to say they’re no good. Perhaps an exchange of ideas may bring two or more perspectives closer. Maybe not.

          • PugJesus
            010 months ago

            I love it when they burst into a rant about how easily offended others are when you call them out on ‘banning’ (blocking) a sub for having a meme they didn’t like, lmao.